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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Ran, is in fact, Ran/shikigami, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Ran plus a shikigami. Ran is not an independently functioning familiar unto itself, but rather a base platform for a fully functioning shikigami system made useful by binding rituals, esoteric programming and familiar contracts comprising a full youkai as defined by the spellcard rules. Many onmyouji create modified shikigami from mundane animals every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the shikigami that is commonly used by Yukari Yakumo today is often called "Ran", and many of its acquaintances are not aware that it is basically a standard shikigami behavioral algorithm, projected onto a fox. There really is a Ran, and these people are interacting with her, but she is just a part of the composite familiar that executes Yukari's programming. Ran is the hardware: the corporeal part of a shikigami that provides the resources for the familiar to operate. The base animal is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it only complies with your directives in the context of a complete shikigami system. Ran is kept under control through the presence of a shikigami algorithm: the whole system is basically Ran with a shikigami added, or Ran/shikigami. All the so-called Ran boss fights are really fights with Ran/shikigami!

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One where I thought about punching a nigger, but I didn't.  I'm disappointed myself.  It shows weakness that I'm not able to kill a nigger in a dream when I should.

Considering I used a DBZ move in another dream to kill a bunch of people.

I need to step up my nigger killing game I guess.  Any games where I can kill niggers?  Other than Moon Man Doom?

> Isn't the UN completely toothless?
Not really, it is a globalist organization and they'll go after whoever they please.  They'll most likely go after Japan again, hence why the UN must fall.
> Pistol
No idea. Glocks for comfort.  Sig Sauer was okay, but then they became laughable (I saw that footage of the police officer's Sig going off on it's own while holstered.)
We need to make a list of games that let you live out racist power fantasies.

Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris
Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit
litora, multum ille et terris iactatus et alto
vi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram;
multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,    
inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum,
Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.
Musa, mihi causas memora, quo numine laeso,
quidve dolens, regina deum tot volvere casus
insignem pietate virum, tot adire labores                         
impulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?

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Actually- Chain, how long as it been since I switched using my cooking oil on your lil' suggestion and autism about seed oils?
As well as a myriad other changes to diet eliminating it where it was used.

I haven't noticed a single change.
In anything.
Personal anecdote, sure, but I still feel lied to.

It's like when the vegan faggots screech to you about protein sources, and how you don't need meat or something, and pull up bullshit like the China Study to claim you'll be healthier- only to find out that the majority of people who's health improves by ""going vegan"" improve simply because they stop eating highly processed fast food for three meals a day.

Go fucking figure you start feeling better after cutting Taco Hell and Twinkies from your diet, and not eating like a trucker at every Flying J you pass.  Who'd a fuckin' thunk it?

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It can be a slow process. Some body cells take years to recover from seed oil.  I've heard a lot of anecdotal reports that people stop sunburning after a few months of no seed oil.

If you are already healthy, then cutting seed oils might just keep you healthy, whereas a seedy oily diet might cause your health to deteriorate as you age.


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Preventing sunburn is ez, wear sunscreen dipshit.
Though, this year I have cone back to having a nice tan rather than instant burning in the sun, but I chalk that up to being outside way more in general, instead of being pasty white for a year and a half and then stepping out into the nice Arizona sun to become a lobster.

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Hmm, we don't have that in the UK. The Carlsberg they make here is pretty bad, just brewed in same factory as every other beer in Slough or somewhere.

Everyone in the UK just drinks these fake Spanish beers now. I don't know why. Had some Goose Island beer yesterday, was nice but I only really got it because the beer pump was a goose head.

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Corona is a Mexican beer, and Sol is a mix of that. We have loads of fake ones they make here just for us...

I had the Carlsberg export, trust me, yours is better than what they serve us.

I spent some time in Turku, but can't really recall any of the beers, probably because I was 12. I'm sure they'll have some good ones if you look t
hem up though, or maybe Hu will know, he's closer than me.

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July's shipment; beer number 32.
This experimental brew features cactus ficus and agave sirup. As with number 31, the beer should be best-served cold, and in a regular lager glass.

The ale looks bright orange and leaves a nice head for a beer that most of all looks like a light ale.

It's smell leaves no real impression and most of all just makes you feel silly. After all, you wouldn't smell a regular Carlsberg either. You'd only look insane, and that's how this one makes you feel as well.

Just like its smell, the taste doesn't leave a lasting impression either. Its taste is humble, neither tasting of hops nor of malt. There's a slight hint of something fruity, but nothing like you can get out of a proper fruity or sour beer. All in all, it really just tastes like a light ale where the brewer has done everything to kill any kinds of flavour you usually expect from a beer.
I suppose it could best be compared to drinking the juices of a very moisty and flavourless fruit, which juices is squeezed into a glass.
I'm sure the beer could be considered a healthy substitute for most sodas and other beverages, yet with a VOL of a whole 6.3%, it wouldn't be able to.

The experimental brews may be one time things, as experiments are all they are. And I'm certain this one won't get brewed again

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The guy that made CLP filed a patent on how vegetable oil could be MODIFIED to be used as a lubricant in guns and cars.
He worked at Crisco.
But that was a hundred years ago, yes, there's far better synthetic lubricants now, with probably far worse chemicals in them honestly.

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BA and Star Rail are the main ones I see a bunch of ads for. 
There was a big ad campaign for WuWa when it first came out but haven't seen much since. ZZZ had one ad that would play on the TVs in trains when it came out and thats it.
Genshin had an event in Ikebukuro so there were a bunch of ads there but other than that haven't seen much for it either.


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