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Here's a ranking of the pets from safest to most dangerous for a family with small children, considering factors like temperament, size, potential for harm, and suitability as a household pet:

1. Golden Retriever: Safest. Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly, gentle, and tolerant nature, making them excellent family pets, especially around small children.

2. Maine Coon: Maine Coons are typically gentle and friendly cats. They are known for their sociable nature and generally do well with children, though supervision is always recommended.

3. Ball Python: Ball pythons are considered one of the safest pet snakes. They are typically docile, non-venomous, and have a relatively small size (about 3 to 5 feet long). While handling a snake around small children requires caution, ball pythons are generally safe.

4. Boa Constrictor: More dangerous than a ball python due to their larger size (up to 13 feet long) and strength. While not venomous, boa constrictors can pose a risk to small children if not properly handled or if unsupervised, making them less suitable for families with young kids.

5. Pitbull: Although individual pitbulls can be friendly and loving, they have a strong bite and a powerful build. They require proper training and socialization. There is some risk due to their strength and potential for aggressive behavior if not properly managed.

6. Serval: Servals are wild cats and, while they can be kept as exotic pets, they are not domesticated. They have strong hunting instincts, can be unpredictable, and may not be safe around small children due to their wild nature.

7. Polar Bear: Most dangerous. Polar bears are wild animals, extremely powerful, and inherently dangerous to humans. They are not suitable as pets and pose a severe risk to anyone, especially small children.

For a family with small children, traditional domestic pets like a Golden Retriever or a Maine Coon are safest. Exotic and wild animals, such as servals and polar bears, should not be considered pets due to their potential danger and unpredictable behavior.
""" -- ChatGPT

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I said this to Spec already, but I'm not really feelin' her. She's hot and all but I like Yumia and the fluff more.
I didn't honestly think it wouldn't, just being paranoid.
It is unfortunately still the Ryza battle system, or at least very similar.
Soon... Yeah, sure...
Did you hear about the MASSIVE BA drama?

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Not particularly.
True, but based on the trailer her personality isn't really my type either.
I noticed this thing called "Project KV" getting teased on twitter for a couple weeks now, and it seems there was finally a bigger reveal. At first I just saw Japs on twitter dunking on it for being a huge rip off of BA, literally just with swords instead of guns. The art style is incredibly similar, the plot is identical, multiple of the girls look incredibly similar to BA girls, the music is similar, THEY EVEN HAVE THE FUCKING HALOS! 
But as it turns out, pretty much all of the staff listed for the game are just major people who worked on BA. Two of the main artists and yes, one of them is Mx2j, the Hasumi artist the main writer, and the main composer. 
So basically this is BA's equivalent of Arknights/PGR.

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I do suspect that some companies already do this, but the problem is they'll still probably hire some woke "localizer" who doesn't even know Japanese to make the script infinitely worse than if they had just left the AI translated one alone.
There was a funny incident a few months back where the official translation of Mahoutsukai no Yome announced they would be using AI translations going forward, and all of the woke localizers on twitter had a huge fucking meltdown.

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AI is just a tool. You still need someone to control said tool and to ensure the quality of what it produces.
Woke localizers aren't capable of quality assurance, so might as well get rid of them completely.
No wonder they're having a meltdown.

Graphics designers did too when similar news regarding this came out. I honestly don't really see why unless they are poos

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Yeah, but I expect LLMs would do a better job of translating, especially for things like preserving puns/wordplay (e.g., https://youtube.com/watch?v=p_rJLI3tuTw or more idiomatic English, etc.  Plus you can instruct the LLM to keep honorifics like "-kun", "-sama", etc.

Oh, so they're like saints or angels or something like that?

Localization and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

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AI is a bad term in of itself(or really good from a marketing perspective) because most people are too dumb to realize its not really intelligent. Like, most retards legitimately think they are talking to a sentient being when they boot up ChatGPT at this point. 
Its funny that you think these companies care about quality assurance at this point. They will get rid of the person who gives them quality assurance before the diversity hire because it gives them a better ESG score.

True creatives will be fine even with the advent of AI, and find ways to use it effectively. Only the bottom of the barrel will be fucked. 

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do i t!

Very possible. And to be frank, those honorifics should just be kept. The westerners who would play their games in the first place, are already familiar with those very terms. Translating them would just do more harm than good

> Localization and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Those fucking Babylonians. They just had to anger God

Yep. It really is a horrendous term. There's nothing at all intelligent behind it.

Only bottom of the barrel indeed.. Which would be the Indians in many cases. Companies would finally be able to develop their games completely domestic

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I am not sure what you are trying to say as that was exactly my point. In this analogy KV is analogous to Arknights and PGR, with BA being analogous to GFL and Honakai in this analogy. Therefore, KV is the equivalent to BA of what Arknights is to GFL, and what PGR is to Honkai. I used PGR as the example from Kuro because it came first and is what the devs worked on immediately after leaving Mihoyo.
Its a tradition at this point.

It does seem like KV is going to be more of a coomer game than BA.

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I guess I phrased it poorly.
Maybe, I dunno, I think its funny how much drama all these studios seem to have.
NIKKE I suppose.
Funnily enough there's not really a lot of Japanese examples. Unless you count non-gacha nostalgia bait kickstarter shit.

Their official twitter is retweeting basically porn, and they've already posted official art by Mx2j of a loli getting stripped down Senran Kagura style.

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Who's wanna watch this Italian horror/thriller from 1982?
On Saturday.
At 9 and 20:00 UTC:
- 5am and 4pm EDT and Chile Standard
- 6am and 5pm BRT
- 11:00 and 22:00 CEST
- 7pm and 6am on the 8th AEST

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I dunno about her specifically but your average sub-50 IQ leftist who makes up the majority of the western Genshin fanbase had a complete flip out when the most recent region was revealed for "white washing". So wouldn't surprise me if western artists are drawing all the characters as the literal niggers that ironically enough they seem to think make up the entirety of the South American population.

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I mean I get companionship and decent treatment, cause better treated animals taste better despite what the Chinese think, but there is just this weird worship of animals these days in modern western culture. Meaning I'm not talking about past cultures like Egypt or India.

What was their reasoning for even being there? Just cause Comiket is popular and it's the only time someone might notice them?

Scared of the power vacuum that might cause.

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Yeah, I dislike factory farming for that reason, and also it being a part of the largest mass production model that is poisoning our food, but I do not care about it because of how the animals are treated. When I see the videos of cows getting chopped up or whatever I feel NOTHING! Our society is overly compassionate to a fault, and the animal worship is just another facet of that. 

Yeah, pretty sure it was just cause they knew there would be a lot of people there.

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Yeah I think I should be able to get the Shorekeeper, even if not as soon as she comes out by the time her banner ends. And it seems like the next banner after that is just gonna be a rerun of the general so I can skip him again. 
Yeah, you mentioned that before, it is pretty weird that they do with the event starting with Chixia being like "wow you sure had fun doing main story chapters 6 and 7!"

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Apparently version comes with a decent amount of rolls so you should be able to.
At least it was vague enough. Just Abby popping out before you actually meet it, and Chixia saying "oh so that's what happened on the mountain!". What threw me off was Yangyang calling and saying something like "it's a been a while" despite the fact I had just done the story mission with her and there was no mention of a time skip.

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Would be a bit weird if they just plopped the Black Shores base somewhere you've already been the whole time. Especially when half the map is still blacked out.
> Scar is put in jail
> Yangyang tells me it's been a while
I didn't believe her suffice to say. It shouldn't taken that long to put him in jail.

This was the tea I was drinking as you starting autisming about lion's mane. It has lion's mane and ginkgo. I don't really believe in the health woo of this shit but it was a gift and she insisted it was a decent caffeine-less acuity drink for late night.

I drink it unsweetened and it just tastes like the usual vaguely citrus of anything with orange peel and lemon balm as their primary ingredient since both mask more bitter tastes in tisanes (and why most blends have them: to just mask the unpleasant taste of most health herb shit). 

I drink everything unsweetened, though, even the fancy puerh pucks someone brought from China.

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I'll give him my special brew.

Wonder how long until she will be available. ZZZ needs to release a character I don't want.
It's not only those mechanics, sometimes I try to run in ZZZ and I end up bringing up the fast travel menu. I try to talk to an NPC and nothing happens because the buttons aren't the same. On a controller anyways, not sure about the keyboard.

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Guess there's some time for that. What about Caesar? I assumed Caesar and Burnice are going to be a combo in one banner. One being S rank, and one being A rank. Which I wonder why they have these ranks when nothing goes lower than A.
Too confusing! They just need to do everything exactly the same! What's the worse that could happen?

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I plan to roll for Caesar, but I'm assuming they're both S. I agree it is confusing, same thing with all of Mihoyo's other games where the only rarities for characters are 4* and 5*. But I think the logic is that stuff like the engines n' stuff do have lower rarities. 
Nothin', would be fine, surely.

My mistake, but oh well, Tuborg is owned by Carlsberg nowadays anyway.

Yep. Will post about it next weekend. Not the coming one, but soon enough.
Bet it's bright red

It's just one of those things where hobbyist groups are the only ones with the funds to do it for the pennies the state pays to get rid of them so it ends in bizarroland online where it's a mix of Fudds and retards pretending it's something it's not. They're mostly just well off boomers who grew up white trash doing it for fun, less ecological concerns or noble intentions, that forever gets wrapped up with LARPers online.

It's kind of wild to go on nostalgia binges and look up actors on shows you remember from the 00s and how some of them straight up dropped off the face of the earth after seemingly large roles for multiple seasons as a main character.

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I'm sure.

Wait, what is the issue here? It seems like you're getting all smiles like you should be getting.
Also did two pulls but no Jane yet. Got Seth but won't be putting resources into him atm. Then again I probably wouldn't with Jane either.

Were they actors with a good history of roles or just like one or two good ones? Type casting can be a real bitch for some people, especially if they're best roles were from sitcoms.

I come from Hyperborea. 

Mostly a mix of those super serious shows on CBS back in the day was what I was looking up. My parents and grandparents all watched them. And yeah, most of them had a few minor roles then a major role on one of those shows for a few seasons and then just quit acting. One married their highschool sweetheart a decade prior and still with them so maybe there's good ends after all.

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No, in the Ellen/Jane/Corin party Jane still ends up as :| because she needs another anomaly character, not another physical character.
I rolled enough on Qingyi's banner that I was already pretty close to pity so I got her in 30 rolls. I did a little bit of pre-grinding so Jane would be at least usable once I rolled her. I then got Rina off the standard banner with the tapes I got from upgrading Jane.

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Oh I see now, they changed the game up with Jane. Kind of throws a screw into things, but guess that's how things are. Do you have Grace or Piper?
I still need to go through 50 for the guaranteed S, which will be Jane. Though I guess I must have somehow done three single pulls because it actually says 47, but I don't remember doing it. I ran out of rolls so I should probably do what I can to make up some more.
> he used his residual signals on master tapes

I'm sure you do.

Besides type casting, I feel as if they're only either really good at the roll they've been doing so they're just really mediocre actors but it's too late to find someone else, or they just don't feel like doing it anymore after going so long with the same roll.

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Yeah, I have Grace, got her when I lost the 50/50 for Qingyi. But the problem is I specifically wanted to make a :) party with both Ellen and Jane, and I think at the moment that is quite literally impossible even if you have all the characters at the moment. 
You can probably get that many rolls before her banner ends. Have you done all the currently available events? Probably just means the previous S you rolled was the 4th to last character/engine in the 10 roll.
Nah, I had 8 already and the 2 from Jane gave me enough for a 10 roll.

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Oh right, keep thinking back on how it's been working so far. It sounds like they did this on purpose. Maybe did some testing and thought it'd be too overpowered if they allowed that at the moment.
Hopefully will, though it seems shorter than before. I still have plenty of side quests I just haven't bothered with yet. 
I haven't done that PubSec one yet, or that one about the W engine.
> Probably just means the previous S you rolled was the 4th to last character/engine in the 10 roll.
Oh, didn't know it works like that. Probably that then.
Oh so you enhanced her and got the tapes from her.

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Maybe so, still very lame. Although with Rina and Grace I should be able to make an all S :) team with either Ellen or Jane in the last slot. 
I never even did chapter 3 of the main story so I'm doing that now. Especially since the PubSec one is a prereq to another event that ends in a few days.
I mean, you can potentially get an S on any roll, but I believe how pity works is that you're 100% guaranteed a S at 90 rolls, but starting somewhere in the 70s your chance of getting an S goes up with each roll. So thats why a lot of times you'll get one in the 70~80 rolls range and your pity counter will reset at an odd number. For example, the in-game pity counter said I still had 40 rolls to go before my guaranteed S, but I got Jane in 30.

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They'll probably introduce an ice anomaly character at some point. How much that will matter who knows.
> he's been behind this whole time
At least you're doing it now before Burnice and Caesar come around.
Yeah sounds about right. I'm just more use to GBF rolls which seems to be a major fuck you until you get a spark for one specific character you want.
I think I only have 5 so I'll save enhancing Seth for later.

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I imagine they will eventually, but yeah, who knows how long that will take. And it could be a m*le.
Just didn't feel like doing much in the game beyond dailies for a while. Now that I rolled a character I wanted I have the motivation to play again, just how these things work.
Yeah sometimes Cygames games can feel like that. I remember pretty consistently having to spark in PriConne, although I was swimming in rolls by the time I quit.
I will probably just not enhance Seth at all because he's a m*le. He also doesn't really add anything to my team considering I already have two electric S characters. Speaking of, I thought Rin was an ether character, kinda feels like that would fit her ghostly character more than electric. I guess that also means Zhu is the only ether S at the moment?

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That's a (You) problem, but it is a possibility.
Been the same for a while, but mostly cause I was caught up and I've been putting time into WuWa. Fair enough though.
They're the ones that even had to come up with such a mechanic so it makes sense.
Yeah just her and Nicole are Ether which made me feel like she was kind of necessary for now. She's definitely been beneficial to me.

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Would be sad...
I am caught up on the story in WuWa at least so I can sink time into ZZZ for now. Although I was also thinking about playing Visions of Mana since Hu said its good. 
Fair enough.
I wonder what element Caesar will be. Burnice is pretty obviously fire, which is good cause it'll make her even easier to skip since I already have both Koleda and 11.

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I want the best of the best!
I hope he'll start with Phantasia. No one does. I never beat it either cause my gameplay was on an SD card that burnt out part way through.
Why is that? If you have an enemy that is weak against physical, you might as well double up! 
Jane is just busting our balls here. Sounds usual for her.

Anyways, going to bed now. Enjoy your day.

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Ah, I kinda realized thats what you meant after making my post. 
I dunno, maybe it was retarded in other eras and we're just less familiar with the intricate details. I bet it was at least especially retarded during the end days of previous empires too.

Did you see the Genshin ad I sent you? I think its funny that Mihoyo's advertisement team doesn't really feel the need to even show anything other than just "There's a new area." Its like they're not even trying to bring in new players, just bring back people who have already played before.

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Yeah, minimalist is the word I was looking for. In an odd way it kinda sticks out compared to every other gacha game ad, including the ones from Mihoyo, that I've seen here. 
To be fair, there was a small screen underneath that playing a proper ad, but its small enough you won't see it unless you're passing right by it.

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None of them I guess, a nicer person, except Ran, Ran is nice.
> Full name
I feel like I'm behind reprimanded.
Nice to hear, I'm good. I went to a weird party, and had to leave early. They make me do too much at work, but I'm pushing PB's at the gym and I am happy.

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The thing with Palworld is that the actual game was nothing like Pokemon, which is one of the reasons the whole discourse surrounding it was so retarded. There have been other Pokemon clones that were way closer than it, just some of its designs were questionably similar to Pokemon. 
For this one they literally just copy and pasted BA but swapped the guns for swords. Although, they never actually showed gameplay so I guess that could have been completely different too, but I would bet on it being extremely similar too.

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Star Rail did have some events where I tried to do that and then got screwed when they I had to spend the whole final day doing them. The golden week event seems like its a longer one since its fully voiced but so far I've literally just watched the opening cutscene and thats it. 
Yeah, I'd let her be my king.

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I did do it a few days before it ended, because I wasn't sure how long it was. I'll have to remember to start the Golden Week event early. I probably need to do that WuWa event too even though it still has like two weeks or so.
I would do many atrocities just for her.

The funny thing is that even in CP2077 they were getting and eating illegal meat because the corporations got chicken banned cause of some totally real scary virus.

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Moon Festival was pretty long, especially cause you get gated by the popularity part in some instances. Just have to apply the same logic as homework. If you're given several weeks to finish it, it's probably not something you can start last minute.
And much more!

I didn't really feel like saying all birds, but yeah. I guess it crazier they just go as far to kill every bird possible rather than just keeping chickens out.

There's also one of those TV segments, I think it's Ziggy, where some scientists tries to say it really wasn't that bad but then they bring out a totally real mother who claims her children died from the disease or whatever.

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Yeah, Illusive Realms or something like that. I got all the popularity in the Moon Festival. I just hit level 40 last night.
Almost feel like skipping Jane, but I regret not getting Qingyi.

I more or less would watch the news segment ones, and then a few of the talk show ones cause they happened to start when I was passing by and decided to see how far they go. 
There's also a whole series for children using a pug as a random citizen and what they should do in certain citizens. Like what to do when getting pulled over that involves tipping the police officer, or in a cyberpsycho attack which says that corpo police have all rights to kill you in the situation.

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Oh, thats an event they do every update. Basically a roguelike thing like... I forgot what its called in ZZZ. 
I thought you meant the other other event. The co-op one, which is why I asked about your level. 
Is up to you, skipping Jane will pretty much confirm you get Caesar. I'm sad I missed out Qingyi but I'm happy with Jane and I do think I'll have enough to get Caesar, at least by the time her banner ends.

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Yeah apparently I missed the first one. You mean Hollow Zero? Kind of liked Hollow Zero at first but now it just makes my blood boil.
Oh, forgot about that coop one. I don't actually know if I've seen it in the events panel. I'll have to look in a bit.
I just want all the exclusive banner characters really. It's probably possible to pull for both. Also just depends how lucky I'll get when pulling Jane next time.
I also accidentally bought a monochrome, so now I have enough for at least one 10 pull if I wanted.

Times were rougher back then.

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Yeah, Hollow Zero. I felt the same about SimUni in Star Rail, I enjoyed it at first but the weekly grind just became monotonous after a while, and Hollow Zero does feel the same way. I would say the WuWa one is marginally better because its a once per update thing as opposed to having weekly rewards, but it also resets the difficulty each time so its kinda negligible. 
I've wanted them all so far, which in this kinda game sucks! It feels kinda weird to say this but I wish they would do some m*le banners. 
Burnice is my least favorite out of them so far, so at least I can skip her in case 1.3 is like Miyabi or something.

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> tfw I'm still locked out of my Star Rail account and I wanted to roll for that Sparkle character but now the banner is done
It really shouldn't be this complicated.
What do you mean by resting the difficulty?
First he says to do away with the male banners, now he wants them back.
I still think she's going to be the A for Caesar's banner like Seth is the A for Jane's. Forgot about Miyabi too. They should just do a rerun of Ellen already. :^)

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She's come and gone and come back and gone again at this point. 
I hadn't logged in until coming to Japan but I did redownload it recently so I could roll for the new fox girl who came out today. Was wondering if rolling her would reinvigorate me to play like how rolling Jane did with ZZZ, but nah, still not really feelin' it. Which is for the best, I do not need another gacha game to play.
You have to play it from the lowest difficulty to unlock the higher ones each time.
I don't think I ever said to do away with them. Okay maybe I said the game should have only had female characters other than Wise or something along those lines, but that would be a completely different scenario. As long as there are male characters in the game, might as well have a few banners so I can have some time to save! 
I just doubt they'll be doing reruns this soon and all of the other factions have 2 or 3 S characters so it would make sense for both Burnice and Caesar to be S. I wouldn't mind an Ellen rerun cause I can skip that too.

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Already? People made it sound like Hoyo is awful at reruns.
Did you end up getting her? But yeah, probably for the best. I keep thinking of picking up two others.
Oh, right. Well if you can get to the top you can probably just blow through the lower levels.
I think maybe you play Idolm@asters too much.  But yeah it'd make things easier. Can't bleed most your player base dry too soon.
I guess they did run Qingyi and now Jane back to back. Seems weird to run the same theme for so long, but maybe not. You sure you don't want Ellen dupes?

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I've heard they are in Genshin, but it seems not so much in SR. Just looking at it now they have like three reruns going on alongside the new character. 
Yeah, I got her. I had a ton of rolls already saved up when I quit. 
You can shred through all the enemies in the early levels, so yeah, its not really a big deal. 
If they're going to go this hard on the waifu audience they may as well have gone all in, is all I'm sayin'. 
I thought WuWa doing 4 girl banners back to back was a lot, and now ZZZ is at 5 or 6 depending on Burnice's rarity. I do want Ellen dupes, especially to get the profile banner of her naked, but I want new characters more. And I could probably get multiple new characters with the number of rolls it would take to get her to level 6.

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Maybe they learned with Genshin. Huh, that is a lot of reruns. Isn't the game just over a year old now?
I think I have some from logging on a few times for free rolls, but not sure since I can't see it. Reminds me I should have been doing the same with Helldivers. Not a gacha game, but has in-game missions that are global where when complete you get free in-game currency.
Now I just need to level up all my characters. Especially because I forgot going to 40 raised all the enemy levels up too.
Are they? Only gacha experience I have is GBF, and they had plenty of males from the start. Probably helped that Lyria is your unofficial in-game wife too. Like Belle/Rin. 
Surprised ZZZ hasn't even done a male banner yet at all.
> I do want Ellen dupes, especially to get the profile banner of her naked, but I want new characters more
The pain of a non-whale gacha player. But same.

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About a year and a half at this point. I do hope ZZZ does reruns similarly because I still want Zhu and Qing.
Yeah, at least logging in with these games is good if you ever think you'll seriously pick it up again, but eh, I don't think I will with SR. 
Yeah, keeping all your characters leveled can be a hassle, especially when everything gets buffed every 10 levels. I still only have 3 characters at level 90, and no characters with maxed skills. 
Yeah, it sucks! I just put naked Anby as my banner for now.
What are the other two gacha games you are thinking about picking up?

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Would be nice, and doesn't make the FOMO as bad. Thought you got Zhu for some reason.
Direction of the game just not going that great or something?
They do purposely seem to time gate you in these games. You can only get so much material a day when you already have so many characters. Probably one of the ways they try to convince you to spend money.
Some memes never get old. Also what are they saying?
I got naked Anby recently. I think I also have Corin and Nicole. But I bought the last season pass so I got the husky banner and just put that one up.
PGR and Reverse 1999.

Yeah same.

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Nope, I did a few rolls on her banner but ultimately decided I would rather roll for Qing and Jane. I also did not realize she is the only ether S character at the time.
That is part of it, yeah, I really was not feeling the big new story arc, also just kinda hard to go back to it after missing half a year's worth of content. But more than that, just didn't feel any desire to play it even after rolling a new character. Doesn't feel like its just for the above reasons but also can't really describe why else. 
Yeah, thats one way they make you pay! At least in this new wave of Chinese gacha games they only time gate mat grinding and not story shit like a lot of Japanese ones would. 

> Rin: Onii-chan lets kiss <3 Kiss me~<3
> Akira: Stop it Rin!
> Rin: Its okay Onii-chan, I heard siblings do this all the time in New Eridu! 
> Akira: Fairy, save me! 
> Fairy: Understood. Leave the filming to me. 
I have Soukaku maxed but she is not naked sadly, just removes her jacket. I think I have one of the dudes maxed too. I did not buy the season pass, just the monthly one.
Ah, I've played PGR off and on since it launched in JP. Lotsa hot robo girls. I've heard of Reverse 1999 but know nothing about it, think I remember it looking like a Arknights knock off or somethin'.

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She's the only other Ether right now too. Which is why I made sure to get her. Thankfully I got lucky.
I think just trying to get back into something is part of the reason you don't want to. I wish these games were easier to get back into after not playing them for so long, but it feels like a lot to try and catch up to. Not sure what I'll do when I eventually drop WuWa or ZZZ.
Probably better to fuck you out of mats than the side stuff. I remember GBF having a lot of side stuff needing the stamina stuff, but they started to give out so much it didn't matter. They also had their own stamina for mats too, but again they started to give so much of it out.
Based Fairy.
Not all the females seem to go naked. I know Piper's doesn't, it's jut fully colored instead. But with her pose it'd be hard to without needing censorship so I assume that's part of it. Corin's isn't fully naked either. I only bought the season pass cause I couldn't max it out.
Both have some settings and stories that interest me. Shame I can't get A2, 2B, or 9S in PGR anymore. It has chibi dorms though. Not sure if I'll get to them though. Especially once I get a full time job.

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I don't necessarily regret it cause I would still rather have Jane, but it does suck and I would like to have both!
Most likely. I rarely go back to gacha games after I drop them.
Yeah, I suppose, although they usually still level block some of the story stuff so that can be annoying. 
A shame, but some of them do just remove their top layer. Jane too, likely also because she probably would've had to be censored otherwise.
I think they reran the Nier event once so maybe they will again. After looking Reverse 1999 I must have been thinking of something else cause it doesn't really look like Arknights other than some vague aesthetic similarities. I do also remember seeing a girl from it recently who is pretty obviously influenced by the twins from Atomic Heart.

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With these games, especially this early, you just gotta pull when you dick says so.
Part of the reason I'm just trying to get to the point I can just do some chores in the game, or maybe even ignore them, until some real content comes up and then get back into them fore real. Cause at some point some other games I really want to play will come out. Like Metroid Prime 4.
Which is weird when they'll just let you use trial characters, but what can we do.
I've seen, but Piper doesn't really have a top layer so there's not much you can.
I looked into it and apparently that rerun was the one and only time they'd do it. It was like a couple years ago too when Automata was till relevant so doubt they'll do it again unless a new Nier game comes out.
Not too familiar with Arknights so couldn't really tell, but it seemed more original at least. Wonder who that girl is. Also Atomic Heart has some DLC that expands some of the story but apparently it sucks and I played on the Xbox Pass so I have none of my save data either.

Anyways, time for bed. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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The problem with ZZZ is that my dick has said yes every time so far!
There are some real games I actually want to play coming out soon so we will see how the gacha addiction fairs then.
Nothing. There is nothing we can do.
Ah, true.
Oh, sad. They should've done one to coincide with the anime.
I didn't even know the DLC came out. A lot of people said the main game was shit too.


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I know all this, but I am actually legitimately at constant war with another part of me that has no attachment to reality or reason.  Like zero.  Flat fucking zero.  Paranoid and jealous to the point of Chernobyl levels of self destruction.

OH YEAH!  You do have one because you made your own board, too, I remember now.
Alrighty.  I think I still have you on Steam, but not Discord.

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Love sickness is never fun.

You made a ghetto ass salisbury steak is what you made.

It's frightening how these emotions can just erase all logical sense even when you're conscious of it. Might be a good time to grab a beer or something. Though I'm also on the train of thought that getting drunk at times like this only makes things worse too.

I see Spec has slowly tried to erase /imouto/ from his mind.
I have you on Steam, but I'll send you a Discord friend request.

I'm surprised how much fat was sustained. Then again if you just fry it in a pan then you can just pour it over.

Not neccesarily, but all the cheese I like is basic bitch cheeses. I like sharp cheddars or even a brie, but I once tried some more fancy cheese and hated it. Don't remember what it was though.

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> George Foreman-ed
Nah because those devices are made to actually have all the fat drip into a container. Which would actually be better for Chain because then he'd have his own beef fat he could transport into a jar and save it for later.

Save the beef fat. Then you can make your own fries with it. Just get a small convection oven so you can "air fry" them. 
Cheddar is pretty good, yeah.

I've really never had steak with gristle. Most of the time I get it from crappy ground beef. You just need to learn how to prepare your steaks.


Toss in EVOO and air fry. The good, robust EVOO if you have it. It does not take a lot of oil. Decent taste. Simple. 

That's what I always did with it or the fancier ones that were like a weird griddle you could unfold flat. I just would pour the drained off fat on top of it or the potatoes.

Steak will almost always have a gristle of some sort (assuming a grocery store butcher). Some cuts are just worst about it. Like on T-bones/porterhouses, it's always from the extended portion at the bottom of the T or what by itself would be the filet mignon on the more end portions. The Strip side is usually trimmed better.

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Technically they were advertised to help keep fat away when the whole "fat bad" craze was going on, but it ends up being a decent way to say your fat too.

It's a pretty decent way to get some french fries or potato chips without needing to waste a gallon of oil.
I know you can resuse it once or twice, but I never really bothered. But mostly just because I wasn't planning on doing it again anytime soon.

To be fair I don't eat or cook steaks myself all that often, but even the times I do I don't remember much gristle. I usually just get more fat than I'd like to chew.


Are you both ending up on dates with Rosy Palms?

Yeah, they're not that bad when used even for their intended purpose they're just never great. And they somehow always make every chicken the driest shit imaginable.

I air fry more than I would like to admit but it's just because it's easy to toss shit in olive oil, salt and pepper and turn most vegetables into edible while cooking something else.

You probably just ate it with more chewy ends and thought it was fat. It's just connective tissue so if it's thinner, you'll just assume it's the sheets between muscles.

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> real date
Wishing you all the luck, fam.

Even the dark cuts?

Air frying got meemed when they released those bucket convection ovens, but it is a good way to get some stuff done fast. You just need to get one of the toaster oven style ones for more and better options.

Nah, they always had a thick layer of fat on the side. Honestly not sure why I didn't cut it off. Forgot which cuts those were. Isn't it NY strip?

R.I.P. and rip, Spec's asshole.

I never buy dark chicken meat outside leg quarters and those just get baked in a fuckload of butter.

Even the bucket ones are pretty okay but yeah, the worst ones are the actual ovens with air fry settings. 

NY strip is the other half of a Porterhouse that isn't the filet. T-bone is just further down and has less filet.

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I hope you have chamomile, skullcap, or valerian tea on hand to drink before the date.

You don't eat chicken thighs?

You mean the best ones?

Not even sure if I've had Porterhouse. I'm a bit picky with beef cuts, and all the cuts I like are now the most expensive because no one would shut up about them.


I do as a part of leg quarters but very rarely on their own.

I may have just ended up with a shitty one but it was a gas stove with gas burners (everything great so far) with an air fry setting in the oven itself that always just ended up being both overcooked and undercooked no matter how low I turned it down to cook longer. Just felt off.

Such as?

Can't believe you landed another brown tranny. Where did you find this one at, the New Vegas meetup?

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I haven't jerked off in a week and a half.
I closed every single kemono party tab I had open (saved myself a lot of fucking FireFox RAM that way, Christ), and unsubbed from all the Patreon shit I was following (it was three pages I was following for free because Kemono didn't have em).
I haven't saved a pornographic image from twitter or a booru in almost 11 days.

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The leaker community deserves it.
It said that she made age reversal technology but never stated to what age she keeps her appearance at. People just assume its the loli look cause thats what the puppets look like. And obviously if they make a new version of her they're gonna want to change up her appearance!
Dumb bitch doesn't even have a fluffy tail.
Its a rat's age now.


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