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If you watch Mandalore (the old game YouTuber), he has a long story about working at a camp with horses and constantly having to clean a particular horse's stable out because he just would serial killer shit any bird that would get near him. Stomp them but not kill them, rip wings offs and other things. It was disturbing and funny.

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Most cases of myocarditis were young men in their 20s who received the Moderna vaccine.  I'm older and made sure I got the Pfizer vaccine (25 micrograms vs 50 micrograms for Moderna).  Getting the vaccine had risks, but it also provides some protection against the risks of the Chinese virus.  Overall, I considered the benefits to outweigh the costs.

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Flip 100 coins, marked 1-100. Each second, Alice and Bob simultaneously check one coin. Alice goes in order (1, 2, 3, …); Bob checks the odd coins, then the even (so 1, 3, 5, …, 99, 2, 4, 6, …). Who is more likely to see two consecutive heads OR two consecutive tails *first*?

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Suomi is a country located in Northern Europe, known for its stunning natural landscapes, high quality of life, and vibrant culture. The capital city is Helsinki, and Suomi is renowned for its education system, technological innovations, and contributions to design and music.

On the other hand, "wan wan" is an onomatopoeic expression commonly used in languages like Japanese to mimic the sound of a dog's bark (similar to "woof woof" in English). It’s often used in children's books, cartoons, and everyday conversation to represent a dog’s barking.

So, Suomi is a nation, while "wan wan" is a sound associated with dogs. They are entirely unrelated concepts.

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Once upon a time, there was a grand Muffin Kingdom. Its golden towers and crumbly battlements were the pride of the land, ruled by the benevolent and wise Muffin King. However, peace was threatened by the sinister rise of the Cupcake Horde, led by the dark and decadent Baron Frosting. So, the great Muffin King ordered an aerial assault using thermite, napalm, and other incendiary weapons, burning all cupcakes to a crisp. THE END.

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Very recently, an unrelated individual that will probably go trans by next year, got me into War Thunder, FOR THE PLANE COMBAT, and I can absolutely agree.
Between Air RB or manually castrating myself, I think I understand why so many trannies play it.
Tank RB is fun though, as are the naval battles, but man alive what is it with- those -and Air RB or Air Arcade?

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It's been years. All I remember was ships was painfully boring. Tanks in it on any larger map felt like playing autistic Arma where I'm not going to play this for hundreds of hours to get good instead of just yolo shots and do decent enough. Planes were the most fun but getting any tier about 3 (I think) sucked. Basically hard capping yourself to near the start of the war, not the late war period they kept adding jets to.

How many of the old threads are left that aren't trannies, dating trannies, or otherwise homosexual? Like actual hetero who never resorted to prison gay.

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One of the things I learned in life is that a person cannot actually be genuinely convinced of something against their will.
Genuinely, unironically, in a very Inception kind of way, a person that does not have some predisposition toward a particular idea will not even continence it.

In one way, a persons obvious predilections can be abused as a wedge into not just their true self and secrets, but their inner psyche, and latent awakening of slightly modified ego.

This is why torture is torture.  The other way of breaking into someone's secret life is legitimately brute forcing it, by bringing them to the highest point of suggestibility through coercion.
The problem is that eventually wears off, or will net you results that temporarily shut off your coercive attempts.
It should be noted, coercion through force doesn't have to be physical; psychological stress and coercion are way more successful, and harder to detect that they're even going on sometimes.

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Oh it's even worse now, trust me.  High level play is genuinely suffering to the max.  Like actual modern 4th generation fighter jet "his missile locked and killed me before I even saw him" bullshit.
And even higher tier tank battles are the same way.
The Mighty Mo' is a ship in the game, and if she catches you with even part of her salvo it's GG, so even the naval battles are really only fun at low level.  It's actually WAY more fun to bounce around in a smaller PT/torpedo skiff and try and sink the bigger, slow ships.

Pump the brakes- I technically represent and resent this remark, and aside from that I have no idea, and don't care.

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My favorite to play were the autistic heavy cannon planes like the Jap ones that you relied entirely on hitting the brief moment of fire you actually had and it would eviscerate anything but your handling was ass and you had to fully commit. Memory is saying like A6M was the designation but again, that was like five years. 

It's like 50% trannies, 30% dating trannies because the AIDS hole was better than no hole, 20% actual gay.

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As a social animal yes, you can be easily manipulated through your desire for inclusion, but not actually as much as you think.  Usually their teeth get in you not over in-group preferences, as those are actually fairly easy to overcome, but something they find about you after you're in deeper with them.
There's always a greater part of you that can be twisted and strong armed into acquiescing either information, or action.  It just takes a long time to find out what that is- long answer short, you're right but you're wrong, kinda thing.
idk what the other part of your post even means; "because of your tranny fetish".  Cope for what?  Not an argument.

Jesus, Mexican, Spaniard, Italian, never stood a fucking chance man.  RIP

Oh fuck yeah, I love how every factions early game planes are rock paper scissors trade offs in either firepower, maneuverability, or speed.

Dare I ask where I fall into this?

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Sure, yeah, blackmail is a great way to coerce people too, but think you are underestimating the need for inclusion and just how much that animates people and their decisions. If you are saying it is not actually as much as I think, then it is in fact the other way around, and is much moreso than you think.
> In one way, a persons obvious predilections can be abused as a wedge into not just their true self and secrets, but their inner psyche, and latent awakening of slightly modified ego.
This part of your post is essentially saying "Yeah, they were trannies all along. Its just a slightly modified form of their normal ego!" You are trying to justify people getting peer pressured into becoming trannies, because "that was just their true self :)" because you want to fuck them. You are sick and disgusting.

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I wasn't even talking about blackmail, that goes right back under the torture section actually...  inclusivity as a motivator only insofar that you still have to have a significant predilection to the action being asked of you.  For instance, you would have likely sought out this particular group, and your motivations are way more overtly inline with their cause than you give credit for.  This is something just immediately identifiable and examinable within yourself, name the times you've fallen susceptible to a cult, and then think about the times you've seen others fall victim to a cult, and how the events actually transpired.  Was it really MERELY the stage of belonging that gets them in reaaaallly deep, or do they bait you with it, and then hook you with higher level gratification of needs till you seed command power over you?
Like look, if it was merely belonging and inclusion, we could solve gangs and cults tomorrow, think this through slightly more.
> You are trying to justify people getting peer pressured into becoming trannies, because "that was just their true self :)"
In essence, yes.  My justification is that legitimate gender dysphoria, and sexual confusion ARE a thing.  This does not predicate that transitioning them is the correct answer, merely that the inherent, albeit inert idea, can be activated or abused, or even seeded BEYOND the point it should have, detrimentally.
Surpassing any kind of course correction, or actual psychotherapy that could have gone in the entire other direction to fortify a more stable self identity.

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Basically- imagine that within you is an inert predilection to...  liking horse girls, idk.
And for the most part this inert idea isn't a general part of your daily life, it's never acted upon, except in some mild occasional passing.  Like an intrusive thought, almost.

But one day, you suddenly step into some shitpost thread, where all everyone talks about, and all you see all over the place, is horse girls.  Horse girl this.  Horse girl that.  Gosh, aren't horse girls great?

And this otherwise inert idea is suddenly either teased, or forced to the surface into actualization.

But, the entire opposite could have been true, too, depending on which environment had been controlled to either seed, or suppress the idea of uma musume.

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Hu never trooned out because he genuinely actually likes being masculine, and the mere thought of femiおやすみなさいty actually kind of disgusts him.
So the tranny sick never took hold.
BUT- had a single part of Hu's id or ego even remotely countenanced the idea of "maybe if I was a girl" unironically, he'd have been on the pink pill and titty skittles since like 2018.

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Uh-oh, the quiet part out loud...
Damn, I didn't even notice how bad I botched it, oh well.
uma pyoi uma pyoi!  Has nothing to do with troons tho...

That would be too dangerous.  Like if I were to imagine your mind in your sisters body, some poor bastard right now would be tied down with like five kids, and praying at least two of them were his.

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I don't think most people have power over themselves to begin with. 
I am not saying that everyone has no predispositions. The blank slate man theory is retarded. I am saying that people can be easily convinced to do something they have no predisposition for under the right circumstances, and peer or societal pressure is often the major factor in such cases. 
I do think that gender dysphoria is a real thing that a very small number of people suffer from. The idea that every single person going tranny now legitimately has gender dysphoria is tranny cope.

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> "Hey just fyi they're closing the freeway eastbound this whole weekend, so you won't be able to get out to [REDACTED] unless you tack on another half hour detour."
> spend the whole weekend at my place doing nothing
> check the actual closure map
> not even the part of the freeway I take
> detour isn't even that far even if it was, five minutes at best
This is how you lose trust.

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Damn.  I'd knock up Hu at least once tho.

It's fucking wild how that happens, ain't it?  In the most random of situations.

Okay, I mean that's fine.  If that's the argument you want to make is that there's no self agency, or free will, that's fine, but I'd prefer we universalize it, or discount it entirely, not have this weird "true for some, not for all" kinda NPC weirdness.  If only because it adds less complexity, not more.
I also think the entire notion that there's a lot of trannies is way over sold, or overblown.  That and there's been significant money behind the newer "trend".

Nah, you said east and I was thinking of places while I was there that would've been super easy to divert from the highway from and that was what came to mind. Complete shot in the dark.

I played NFS: Hot Pursuit on it fairly frequently with the downloaded cars, either the McLaren or the "Lister Storm".

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Oh, speaking of things you saw while you were here- I finally went to the cowboy museum up in Scottsdale!
Except half the fuckin' exhibits were closed for maintenance, and I watched the most sterile corpo brain rot "presentation" I've ever seen in their theater.
Like legit just [stock footage (not even of Arizona)] [good adjective] [stock footage] [good adjective] [stock footage] white wash crap- God was it BAD.

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Great game back then. Playing as the cop was fun too.
Downloadable cars, hmm. I do remember a tractor and a broken car that looked like a Bugatti Veyron.
Given the time though, I think it must have been this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugatti_18/3_Chiron

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Whatchu mean?

Yeah, I'm slowly falling out of love with it, it's quickly losing all it's luster it had when I was growing up.  It has changed significantly, and in many ways not for the better.  It really, really will just become L.A. 2.0 and it will destroy me to be here when it happens.

Yeah I don't like chew tobacco either.
I've been experimenting with cheap cigars lately though.

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Huh.  Alright but if any of the trannies you've been involved with "woke up" the next day as biological women, would you?
I won't name names, less you want.

It sucks.

Still think I'm gonna buy a box, but yeah $3 a can is ridiculous.

Lil' late baby.
I have found all of one I like so far, so don't be too concerned.
It's coffee flavored, too!

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I am not saying there's no free will. Thats retarded and the people who espouse that idea are all pretentious atheists. You seem to want to interpret everything I say in absolutist terms.
Just because you want to the world to be a simple place doesn't mean it is.
Compared to before, yes, being trans or some other similar variant of degenerate is significantly more common now than it once was. You are denying reality if you claim otherwise. 
> That and there's been significant money behind the newer "trend".
Yes, money being used to push it as a social norm, thus spreading it as a social contagion.

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You kinda implied it at least.  If individuals are this programable to lack agency entirely, and being wholly inception'd with ideas, then what's the difference between that, and lacking free-will at all?
> You seem to want to interpret everything I say in absolutist terms.
Yeah but actually lol because it slightly annoys you, and I'm not actually willing to put forth brain effort into making nuanced arguments about the topic right now.  My mind is literally floating elsewhere, and just kinda using this as a distraction.  So for right now simple is nice, because I don't actually give a fuck, and if I get called a chaser one more time I might actually snap.
Well, yeah.

The difference between smoking and drinking the ashtray is p-big babe.
It's a thing, tho.  Actually the last cheap shitty one I had tasted like fruitloops, and I kinda hated it.

Ah, yes, I'm feeling the urge to spread the gay cancer already.

Okay but unironically.  The iron itself doesn't call a man to violence, but fuck me if I haven't heard the call of what actually does.

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Like unironically I've been hanging out with a bunch of really young twenty somethings, that all remind me of a young immature Weebathan, and I want to run all of them through a philosophy crash course, because it's annoying for them to have none of the context, or ability to form arguments and just 4Chan style reeee about social topics.

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Tons of tech people have been "worrying" about it for years at this point. And whats their big worry?
I'm not saying AI is a complete nothingburger, this is clearly not the case with just how many people use it in their daily lives at this point, but at the moment it seems extremely overhyped and LLMs have likely already hit the top of the S curve.

Have to work not to work.
Reminds me of the joke about the Gypsy and the Jew.
The Gypsy did nothing all day long just lay on his back under a tree at the beach. The Jew saw him walked to him and asked:
- Why don't you go fishing?
- Why would I do that? - asked the Gypsy.
- Well, if you caught some fish, you could sell it and buy a boat so you could fish in the open water where you can catch more. After selling that you could buy more boats and employ other fishermen to catch even more fish. Then you could invest the returns [...] and in the end the money will work for you. In the end you could do nothing just lay on your back under a tree at the beach.
- But I'm doing just that.

Reminds me of a certain Slovenian Jew who does not show up to watch sumo and probably is kidnapped by Kurd terrorists.

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What's interesting is I've heard this same tale just in different ways, but the core concept is all the same. Basically something like "I see you're doing x. So do y so you can end up doing x." Sometimes the person is already working but the other person tells them to try to make a whole company of what so he can do what he's already doing.

> Reminds me of a certain Slovenian Jew who does not show up to watch sumo and probably is kidnapped by Kurd terrorists.
Who? The supposed owner of the site?

Life is sad, but sometimes glad.
I'll add you when I'm not lazy.
She's a hamster though. Cute enough for me, thinking she'll just be the 4* on Camellya's banner.

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Only occasionally.
Okay, just tell me when ya want to do the event. Actually I wonder how it works with people on different SOL phases. 
Ah, I guess a hamster makes sense. She is cute but the light ears and lightbulb tail are kinda weird! What is with chink gacha games and rodent girls with weird tails? Her plug suit is hot too.
Yeah, this image says she's a 4*. I guess Kuro could be dicks and put her on the Yinlin rerun I assume we're getting in the second half of 1.4 since Camellya is seemingly the only 5*, but hopefully not!

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More than that!
Probably not too much, but we'll find out eventually.
I think she's suppose to be the CEO of the "we promise, we deliver" company you do a side quest for. Can't remember the name, but think it's fitting for her too. They feel so bad about cooking rodents alive they make them into anime girls! Apparently Verina had a similar suit before.
I'd want to roll for both but hoping to roll for Camellya more than Yinlin.

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Ah, that would make sense. Now that you mention it they do have a lil' hamster in their logo.
Verina went through an oddly high number of changes throughout the tests, for some reason it took them a while to pin down her design. Honestly I kinda prefer her CBT1 design to her final one because it keeps some of the sci-fi elements, although I do like her cute bow she has now. 
I don't think any other character had a different design in every test, like Chixia had a completely different design in the alpha test, but they pretty much stuck with her design from the first beta without changing it too much after that point. 
I will roll for Camellya, and her most likely being back to back with rerun banners is a good thing for me. Also seems she will be the first havoc 5*, not counting Rover, which will be nice.

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Which one is the CBT1 design? The left or the middle? Gonna take her bow away to bully her.
Also had a completely different personality too. But now she's cuter now that she's retarded.
Not good for me but was late to the game. Danjin might not be 5* but she's still fun to play.

> different mindsets
The first time I heard it I thought it was more about not worrying about making it big if you were still enjoying your life. Considering it has different iterations, it makes a bit more sense in those terms.
> I wouldn't be surprised.
Eh? You had someone else in mind?

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People might just refer to all of the tests as CBTs and I'm just being autistic, but Kuro themselves officially call the second test "CBT1", presumably because of how early in development the game was when they did the first test. 
There was a CBT2, but it was only like in March of this year so there weren't really any noteworthy changes between it and release, at least for designs. 
I kinda like her old design.
Yeah, I've used Danjin in trial stages and stuff so I know her playstyle. The flat berserker! Pretty sure she's the only 4* I don't have.

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Sounds like most are just lumping them together if there weren't any significant changes between them. Especially if that's before they went and drastically changed the story and some characters.
I've never seen Chixia's alpha design.
Even (M)Anko has more of a chest than her! Need a character side quest of her soon. How unfortunate.

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There were some pretty drastic changes between each of the tests, its just the final test and release that there weren't many changes.
The 4*s could definitely use some companion quests. Hell, I'm pretty sure Lingyang is the only standard banner 5* with one. I've still never even seen the guy who looks like Sepharoth in the game.

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The test did what they were suppose to thankfully.
Eh, seems pretty plain to me. Definitely like the current design. Wouldn't mind this one being reused though. Like how people are wanting the old Camellya design reused.
Some day they'll get some love! 
> Hell, I'm pretty sure Lingyang is the only standard banner 5* with one.
I wish he didn't. Either way, the way some characters are treated is weird. Like fedora man who does pop up in the story but has no lines what so ever. Calcharo is suppose to be from the New Federation so maybe he'll pop up whenever the story gets to that. 


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She does got them tiddies, but it's all that's there. Camellya's old design does look pretty nice, so I do hope they reuse that one.
For some who supposedly hates "m*les" this is an odd question from you. Anyway, I didn't mind him until I played his fanfic tier quest. I assume they already had all the models done and ready to go, and needed something for the character pools, so they just went ahead and released them.

Chain is perpetuating racial inequality.

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I'm hoping they do too, but I dunno what the chances of them just repurposing an already scrapped design is. I prefer the old one, but I guess the new one does fit the "psycho stalker bitch" character more.
He just wanted to be friends with the humans :) 
But yeah, it was not very good. Changli and Zhezhi's were definitely the best companion quests so they have been getting better. Maybe so.


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