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The following four battles are noteworthy for some reason despite they aren't really related to the topic. I will write my thoughts briefly among the lines.
A.D. 837. ... Alderman Wulfherd fought at Hamton with thirty-three pirates, and after great slaughter obtained the victory, ... Alderman Ethelhelm also, with the men of Dorsetshire, fought with the Danish army in Portland-isle, and for a good while put them to flight; but in the end the Danes became masters of the field, and slew the alderman.
This is a battle with a twist: "put them to flight; but in the end the Danes" won. Very interesting. How did the battle go I wonder.
Also note the numbers: "thirty-three pirates" sounds awfully small, especially with the "great slaughter" phrase next to it. It will be more clear after the next battle.
A.D. 840. ... King Ethelwulf fought at Charmouth with thirty-five ship's-crews, and the Danes remained masters of the place.
See? The pirate is not a person at the previous battle but a ship. A longship carrying 10-60 sometimes maybe even more bloodthirsty northmen. Erm, eastman if we view it from England.
A.D. 992. ... Then the king and all his council resolved, that all the ships that were of any account should be gathered together at London; and the king committed the lead of the land-force to Alderman Elfric, and Earl Thorod, and Bishop Elfstan, and Bishop Escwy; that they should try if they could anywhere without entrap the enemy. Then sent Alderman Elfric, and gave warning to the enemy; and on the night preceding the day of battle he sculked away from the army, to his great disgrace. The enemy then escaped; except the crew of one ship, who were slain on the spot.
Not much of a battle but a good story about treachery. What could have been Alderman Elfric's motivation?