> Great difference between wanting to fuck a prepubescent girl and a fertile young woman.
This:  >>/13883/
> Women are eternally immature
There's a huge difference between a 13 years old's immaturity and a 31's. If you make an effort to talk with a 18 and 21 you'll find they have different perspectives on things. Well, given they have similar mental capacity and maybe social background.

Back to this post:  >>/13880/
> So what do you want in a woman? A bimbo? A slut?
Not just sluts and nuns (little girls in our case here) exist. At least in Hungary despite the fact that we have 60% divorce rate - however those who divorced once they divorce easier further on, worsening the statistics[spoiler], and I'm sure what you wrote is a hyperbole for a certain degree.
> 70% of all divorces are initiated by them.
Are there a statistics on why they initiate divorce? The reasons can be numerous and many times their husband can be faulted. Here - in my experience which not necessary reflects statistical facts - usually cheating is in the background of divorces and initiated by those who were cheated on. Many times men can't keep their dicks in their pants.
Let's say you're right and more dicking makes women less faithful. Lowering age of consent [spoiler]as I noted above somewhere ITT here it's 14 doesn't solve the problem, it just stretches the window of opportunity to getting dicked more. 11-14 years olds' minds aren't made for relationships, they have nothing to give on that field. Their virginity would be snatched by dudes with routine in getting what they want and then they would be discarded, leaving them heartbroken and broken.