Maybe Britain stole my idea. They need your resources.

To the previously discussed:
Maybe the difference between our viewpoint is that I don't expect women to be man. I know it's double standard but the reality is we are different.
One more thought why I think little grills are seemingly or apparently innocent:
Their hopes and dreams are entirely different from older grills and women. Their naivety, their inexperience makes their views on men (boys), their fantasies and their opinion different and yeah more innocent (which could make them endearing for a normal person and sexually attractive for a pedo). It's sad youngsters' of our age first experience with sex is porn. Why? Because porn ain't real, you know. Or fake to be more precise. Incorrect behaviour which turns into role model.
Moreover individual children grow, develop differently. Some could have minds "full" of sexual thoughts at 11. Some only years later. Lowering age of consent would also put more pressure on them at earlier stages where they don't really need them.