I thought about build a stand and could drain the barrel with a piece of hose on the principle of gravity pump. Actually I don't even need a stand as I empty most of the barrels in autumn that way. But if I had a stand I could build the filtration "system" next to it just below that.
> make beer or some kind of alcohol.
We have a pressure cooker somewhere we don't use. I could transform it into a small distillery (and make pálinka) without too much hassle I think. It's aluminium tho and not sure if anodised or not. Also not sure if the alcohol can react with untreated aluminium in case it isn't.
I would need silicone tubes, an empty bottle for steam cleaning purposes, more tubes (or maybe a spiral, made of copper for example) dipped into a cooling box/tub/bucket and another bottle to gather the alcohol. And some shit to heat to distillery. Maybe a largeish rocket stove.
Hmm, nice dream. I should concentrate on realising this water heater first, kek.