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So finished Threads yesterday. Up until the bombs start to drop I found it breddy gud, tight like an air raid exercise. But when the hypothetic came in the picture: what would be like when the bombs are dropped the scenes started to fell apart and became weak - I guess the budget wasn't that high - and even more when they presented what would be like after the war. Oh god by the end when they are standing on a lawn and pecking it with hoes as it would be a plough field... that was pathetic - they were supposed to cultivate that piece of land for 10 years why does it look like a golf course, Jesus!
I guess back in the '80s it must have been shocking to watch this film and there are disturbing scenes and it was worth a watching but wasn't great.

I found John Wick overchoreographed. It was like watching a dance it was unbelievable for me and couldn't enjoy it.