I don't think it's our job to report it but everyone makes his own decisions.
> Also why Kohlchan's Americaball isn't fat?
Because it's only fat here and 8. On KC main it was regular ball (with shades, like on Kohl).
> maybe make own imageboard where leadership team represents values of community more than on kohl
There are several KC derivatives and /int/ boards now those who leave can pick another or make their own it's their business.
However I think what our business is being a usable option for those who are looking for alternatives. Maybe we could create a thread to sum up our board and draw clear rules (which was none so far, but can change in the future) or our standing in certain questions. If "we" as a collective have such beside "we just want comfy posting" that's a good one tho. What is allowed, what isn't this is one short list, what is encouraged, what is enforced. And keep it clear and short and sticky it.
Maybe one thing our business is letting people know that there are alternatives, such as ours, but not necessarily only ours.