Did they make you eat part of the head? At the Kazakhs that counts a delicacy and it's an honour to get offered to eat it and a great disrespect to refuse it. Just imagine...
I believe in our "western" world we treat children not the right way. They became the center of attention and their tiny asses got licked shiny all the time despite they are worthless and another child can be produced very easily. In contrast to produce an adult it is very time and energy consuming so in a life of a family those should come first who have the means of keeping the family alive, who has the knowledge and strength to work and produce all the necessary goods for life, those who can raise children and make adults out of them. And probably this is the (might be unconscious) reasoning behind their behaviour.
This sounds harsh but doesn't mean one can't be kind the children with this mindset.
And what it is to be kind tho? Raising them to be capable adults who know they have to work hard to get results or ensuring they grow up to be self-centered whiners who got used to get everything easily with bitching and moaning?
It's also interesting to see how parents here aren't capable of discipline their children in front of audience and the kids learn this very fast and they produce all their fits in public basically extorting their parents to get their way-