> Yes, we don't investigate for ourselves, but use that second-hand knowledge for granted.
There is also a big gap between the generations of people. Its easy to glorify the past. It was truly a horror show alot of the times. But you had a link, a connection with your parents, grandparents etc. Nowadays everyone gets their opinion from state sanctioned approved media that is telling them what to think, what to say. Pretty much everything that people think and say and act is implanted in their heads. There is very little original thought out there.
> But are we capable of? That looks suspicious too. Maybe the call to find out who you are is another trick, to inspire an illusion of meaning? "I'm not the body" solves easy, because body is perceived, thus there are two: the perceiver and the body. But when the perceiver tries to perceive the perceiver, what should be perceived?
The question isn't if we are capable of it. Its about freedom, real freedom in your mind. About being sentient.
Reincarnation can mean alot of things really. It can simply mean to pass your genes off to your children. Then you (your genes) live again.