> Pretty much everything that people think and say and act is implanted in their heads.
Can you see your own statement as an implanted knowledge too? Not only common people are brainwashed, but those from opposition too. That's where the real horror show reveals itself.
> There is very little original thought out there.
U.G. Krishnamurti used to give talks on the topic a lot. He claimed thought to be a destructive parasite of the body, sustaining own existence at any price. His teaching is known for its nonconformism, it's quite refreshing.
> Its about freedom, real freedom in your mind.
Tough topic. What if mind is a prison itself?
> Reincarnation can mean alot of things really. It can simply mean to pass your genes off to your children.
The whole Buddhism is build around the problem of escaping the reincarnation. If it was just about genes, I bet they would castrate every man whom could reach to already.