A Finn, a Swede and a Norwegian found themselves deserted on a small island. A Cannibal tribe lived on the island, and they imprisoned the three men. The cannibals gave each of them a final wish. First they asked the Norwegian. The Norwegian wanted to see his wife once more. The cannibals went to find the wife. After he saw his wife, the Norwegian was eaten, and the cannibals made a canoe out of his skin.

The Finn wanted to smoke one more cigarette. He got his cigarette. After he was finished, he was eaten and his skin was used to make a canoe.

Then came the Swede's turn - he wanted a knife. He started to punch holes into himself, and yelled: "YOU WON'T MAKE A CANOE OUT OF ME!"

How does a Norwegian make a counterfeit 100 kronor banknote?

He takes a 1000 kronor banknote and crosses out the last 0

Q: Why did the Norwegian take a ladder with him to the supermarket?
A: Because he'd heard the food prices in Oslo were extremely high.

Q: Why did the Norwegian crawl on the floor through the supermarket?
A: Because they're looking for the low prices.

In sweden danes are seen as the jews of scandinavia, norwegians as happy retards and finns arent even nordic.