It happened. It's history, such as it was.

The principals who could have ejected Maduro were too slow on the draw, thus getting themselves cashiered. Others said "Oh hell no!" from the get go. Much fun was had by the traditional media showing us scene after scene of lackadaisical non-military regular folks "rioting," all the while chanting "Coup! Coup!" throughout the commentary.

As the South Americans expand tent city accommodations for scads of refugees, they look north for a solution. "Hey there Mr. Monroe Gringo? Hint-hint, nudge nudge!"

Meanwhile, the United States sees an epic economic sink hole blame game in the making. "No can do, Paco. We gots plenty of oil. Besides, you guys have your own armies an stuff. OAS? Rise and shine! Hint-hint, nudge-nudge."

The Russians strive to make headlines, but the Americans ain't playing fair. All the Americans do is make noise, take pseudo-private notes as jokes for later public purview, and hope the Russian will keep sending and spending. More power to you, Ivan!

Only the Chinese are investing sensibly, and only in the ramshackle oil industry. They don't care who runs what, does what, says what. As long as what little oil flow there is keeps flowing in their direction, China's on your, their, whichever side.

Check back in another five to ten years.