The industrial revolution and technology simply made things a lot easier for the elites. It was already going on earlier with the Enlightenment, but the industrial revolution sped things up and made things easier for the elites. 
> sometimes I think that the whole protestant revolution was pre planned in order to pave the way for the industrial revolution. it was venetian bankers (jews) who printed the protestant pamphlets for example. martin luther was arrested by the catholic church, and then they just let him go (!). thats a bit strange isnt it when they were burning guys for much less stuff. 
That's a Catholic psyop I would say. Luther in general kept Catholic practices (perhaps he was controlled opposition). Calvin was the real deal. And still, without the Reformation, we wouldn't actually be able to read the Bible, and wouldn't have positive "nationalism" (i.e., not the revolutionary kind that came with freemasons and the 19th century revolutions). We'd still be "hylics" under the papacy and just as controlled. I've recently been on a binge of this guy:
Southern Israelite. He gives major evidence for the Jesuits creating modernity, and I would actually agree with him here.
> alot of the shit can be traced back to the greeks. platos republic is pretty much a perfect illustration how society today is.
Plato's Republic IS the doctrine of the NWO. Here's a fact for you. All the Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes, Pythagoras, etc. ALL CAME FROM A TIME WHERE GREECE WAS IN DECLINE. Pythagoras was actually educated in Egypt, Babylon and Phoenicia. It's likely that republicanism and democracy aren't even Greek in origin, but come from an even earlier Babylonian teaching.