Vampire... mp3
(4.57 MB, 0x0)
Vampire Weekend -... mp4
(9.53 MB, 480x360 h264)
Vampire... mp3
(5.17 MB, 0x0)
/mu/tant here. Back again to post more songs
> Yeah, Duster sounds more depressive, Polan will not liek it.
I'll post some more cheerful music from now on then.
> Yes. No, Ace of Spades isn't my favourite. I prefer later songs, Sacrifice for example is a great album, probably for it's heavier sounding.
I like a few of their songs (Ironfist, Bomber, etc)
The rest of the bands I just mentioned to see if you liked them.
Anyway, this music is from Vampire Weekend, an indie band from NYC.
They make really comfy music. First album they made was about being a freshman in college and dealing with everything that comes along with it. 2nd album was pretty good too. I haven't heard the rest of their albums though.
(Video's from their youtube channel btw)