thumbnail of Byzantinischer_Mosaizist_um_1020_001.jpg
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thumbnail of The_Greek_Pantokrator_on_the_Hungarian_Holy_Crown.jpg
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So now the lower crown, the rim, the "graeca" is considered an earlier product which was laying in the emprerors' treasury and at the time of Géza I, they slapped the Michael icon on it - to signal the donator - and sent it as a gift. As a part of a deal.
But this solution leads onto other rocky roads.
Sending a crown to someone meant you were the suzerain over him. Michael VII was barely suzerain over his own bowels not the Hungarian king. Also a suzerian's depiction is more fitting to the place where the Pantokrator is at the front, and not the back! This whole thing however can be sidestepped, since not just men can wear crowns, not exclusively but in the Byzantine court it was customary for women to wear ones. And Géza himself with the deal gained a wife, a Byzantine princess and the crown came with her. She was the one who was gifted with this present. It was a female crown anyway, sp researchers claim.
But it is a huge crown, just look at poor Charles here  >>/25095/ and here  >>/26844/ , even if his heda was small a female's head is small too. The rim without a top would just fall down to her neck. All right - says the researcher, it is exactly how it should be because it was made for the female hairdo and whatever plus headgear was worn beneath it. Now this is the world of pure speculation tho. What fucking kind of hairdo can hold up a kilo metal (2056 gram the whole Crown, let's say the rim is only 1000)? One can keep it on her head but it needs to rest on the head. And what hairdo
And frankly what kind of female crown for princesses can include the Pantokrator right up above the person's brow? The Pantokrator has a very specific palce in iconography, it means the almighty, the ruler, the one who judges. Back then they didn't just used this shit for decoration they used them for their meanings. The Pantokrator's place is where it is know, over the brow of a king. Or maybe it was the crown of an empress originally?
There are depictions of Byzantine female crowns however, somewhat really is similar what the rim should be in itself tho the Holy Crown looks similar how these pictures depict the emperor's crown., and those haircuts...