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Hitler visits a concentration camp and orders all inmates to be set up in line for inspection. He approaches the first one and orders:
-Jump as high as you can, Jew.
He jumps a meter high. Hitler congratulates him and says:
-Give him a loaf of bread.
He approaches the next prisoner and says:
-Jump as high as you can.
The Jew leaps two meters in the air. Hitler commends him and tells his aides:
-Give this man two loaves of bread.
He then moves to the next inmate and demands:
-Leap as high as you can, Jew.
He reaches three meters in the air. Hitler notes:
-This one can jump off the camp fence, shoot him.

How many Jews can you fit in a car? 250. 1 in the driver's seat, 4 passagers and 245 in the ashtray.

Yesterday I saw a black man in the street with an umbrella and I thought it looked very similar to mine. But then I remembered mine was cleaning my shoes back home.

My grandmother liked blacks so much she had 30 of them in her farm.

Why can't gypsies make money with fortune telling in Africa? Because Africans have no future.

A black man enters a pharmacy and asks for a skin-colored bandaid. The clerk replies:
-On the store across the street you can buy electrical tape.

A black man enters a gun store and reviews his options with the clerk:
-Can you sell me an assault rifle?
-A light machine gun?
-A bolt-action rifle?
-A pistol?
The negro leaves the store infuriated and tells his lawyer:
-That white man doesn't want to sell me a weapon!!!
The lawyer moves to the shop to investigate and asks the vendor:
-What do you have against blacks?
-Assault rifles, LMGs, RPGs, bolt-action rifles and pistols.

I'm not a racist. Racism is a crime and that's something for niggers.