> and her parents would basically either cast her aside of force her to marry some dumb retard

Such life in Turkey.

Actually, imageboards is the worst place to ask advice about relationships and women just because. But whatever.

> Appereantly I fucked up her entire life, she said she barely eat anything, drink more than she eat.

That sounds bad, but remember that she may exaggerate issue to make some impression to you.

Overall, if you still have some bond with her, and she didn't do any really bad things that can hurt your relationship, you may try to reconnect with her (does she want this?). But remember that you also have some self-esteem and don't be so easily to manipulate by emotional blackmail. Also don't be too harsh and try to understand that people are mostly weak and stupid. Forgiveness is a part of well-mannered character (but be rational too).

Otherwise, you need to remain calm.