thumbnail of exit-area.png
thumbnail of exit-area.png
exit-area png
(2.35 MB, 1602x926)
thumbnail of pol.png
thumbnail of pol.png
pol png
(2.66 MB, 1602x926)
thumbnail of unknown-terror-from-the-deep.png
thumbnail of unknown-terror-from-the-deep.png
unknown-terror-from-t... png
(2.3 MB, 1602x926)
thumbnail of road-to-communism.png
thumbnail of road-to-communism.png
road-to-communism png
(2.23 MB, 1602x926)
So the game not lacks humour. I made a shiv to cover somewhat my stolen weapons. The first trader says: "one can run around the waste with a shiv but how far that person will get?"... how... did they know???
The devs didn't forget about the cultural references that's so characteristic to Fallout games. And they wrote some references to Fallout games. Also these names: Yashin, Morozov, Kovalev... do I play NHL 99 here?

Fucking commies. I fixed the water pump for them then I asked for payment in return. They insulted me that I exploit them even tho I had to use all the money to buy bullets from their trader because I have to save the village from raiders and they gave me a rusty revolver for the purpose but no ammo...