area png
(3.2 MB, 1602x926)
map png
(1.92 MB, 1602x926)
text-overflow png
(2.17 MB, 1602x926)
The borders of the individual areas are made to be the same as the Fallout series. Big emptyness.
Navigation is a little confusing with this rotatable 3D view and without minimap on the screen. I would be fine with a pseudo 3D game for easier navigation.
Handy feature. If you open up the Inventory with items laying about it will show then what's "on the ground" and can be picked from there. If there's several items of the same type (e.g. bunch of empty bottles) they can be picked up at once in bulk.
Confusing: two types of empty bottles. I mean the name the some but one is obviously plastic and the other is glass. Why couldn't they name differently.
Maybe it's my graphics settings but some items are really hard to see. Needs lotsa alt-spamming to notice stuff. Also it's a pain in the ass to rotate the camera all the time so I could take a peek at every corner if there's something usable.
There are some glitches but nothing major.
The icons of the various people you met is inconsistent, some are drawn some are obviously photographs.