In Germany the socialist/communist movement was also very strong. It wasn't a coincidence. The situation of the workers and a wide stratum of peasantry was Eastern Europe tier, but that's true for most of the continent.
At that point "we" just left behind the "blessings" of the industrial revolution's capitalistic practices and the leading economic agents still have to give concessions so wealth could trickle down. More technological development is ahead with educational requirements, more breakthroughs on the field of energy (no nuke power yet) or medicine (they barely reached penicillin, vaccination still wore it's child shoes) or whatever. WWI was a huge strain and the great depression hit hard. Relative peace was also needed and that sharp "rivalry" what the Cold War meant so "we" arrive to this stage of wealth "we" have now. It was a transitional period.
I'll write more later but have things to do.