> with the Brits a bridgehead can be formed in Denmark 
Britain has more IC so you can't assume military control over them. This leaves you with trusting the AI, and there's no guarantee they'll cooperate.

> Maybe on the short term Navy should be chucked except with enough to challenge Germans for the Danish operation
You don't need to build a single ship as France, so just focus all research into industry, the army and the air force. Same thing with the Soviet Union.
On the air you shouldn't research or build any fighters and upgrade those you have to interceptors, which are cheaper. The only exception is America, which can do the opposite. Tactical bombers will be your workhorse and CAS, if you can afford to research, is good against armor. Transports & paratroopers have their niche but France probably doesn't need them. Naval bombers are very useful but not for France. Strategic bombers could perhaps be useful but I've never made them effective, and in any case, France won't need them. Also, the late-war planes are jet-powered so you'll need some research in the secret weapons tab to get them.

> France first faces a huge IC penalty which events only slowly erase.
You can run a surplus of consumer goods to get rid of dissent, it will slow down production in the short run but pays off with a higher IC. If you want to powergame, see how much dissent you'll lose in events and factor that into your strategy.
> Maintain these units and spend IC to upgrade them or produce new ones?
Generally production>upgrades as quantity>quality, but you'll need to upgrade your really old WWI-level divisions and having everything at 1939 level (not necessarily more) doesn't hurt. Carriers should upgrade their aircraft, and I feel aircraft in general benefits more from upgrading. And upgrading to another unit type is good, cavalry should be converted into motorized or armored if you don't they'll abandon their horses with the 1942 tech anyways, but that takes time you'll need to do it with the airforce anyways to streamline it into the 2-3 unit types you'll have.
You can also withhold upgrades until you get better tech, I think they get cheaper that way, and use technologies which don't require upgrading, like anti-tank tech which gives your infantry more hardk attack for free. And, of course, doctrines, but you'll have to research them anyways. And in case of doctrines France may stand to gain from abandoning Grand Battle Plan which is one of the weakest paths.
> Or keep some and disband others?
Disbanding would be a very extreme measure. The only time I've seen it recommended is for conservation of manpower, not supplies.