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I don't have time to watch that video now but some time ago I went through copypaste aka hotwheels twitter and he was basically saying the same thing there. 
You might remember from years ago on 8ch to have your board deleted you would have to dedicate it to something illegal. But some users doing illegal things wasn't eligible to have your board removed, rather the offenders should be banned. One of the boards I remember that got deleted was when the owner himself dedicated it for sharing nudes of children (not really pornography, it were photos from nudist beaches). 
Now I don't really know if /pol/ would be eligible for deletion because I never really lurked it, but reading copypaste twatter really shocked me that he was suggesting such thing. He also attacked Jim and that other guy in charge and it seemed very personal, maybe his attack at /pol/ is somewhat related to that fact. I remember few years ago copypaste was making similar attacks on moot and I know for a fact copypaste had some kind of a grudge against him. 
8chan have been said to come back in September btw. I was the so called ancient original 8chan users from before the exodus and in my opinion 8chan died in the day the massive flood of 4chan refugees arrived. Before it was a small but unique site run as a hobby project with few boards, not too different from endchan. Once the 4channers arrived they immediately demanded the site be changed to their wish and copypaste was very happy to meet those demands (probably fueled by his grudge against moot). Previous users voice was pretty much ignored (well it's kind of hard to have your voice heard when you're outnumbered thousands to one) and site effectively became 4chan 2.0 with different kind of moderation but same mindset, and all the uniques it has and what it could have was squashed. Tbh at some point I felt like we were betrayed by copypaste because we were a reason to some extent for his hobby project to exist, yet we were forgotten on the very fist occasion. Now copypaste suffers the consequences of his creation, even though he gave up his site long time ago he is still known as the founder and when 8chan shooter kills someone again he will be harassed by journalists and what not. The only thing that could be done to prevent this and save 8chan is if he said back in 2014 to all those refugees that he's sorry but he won't be able to handle all of them (which would be absolutely true, server back then couldn't handle all the new traffic) and that they would have to look for other places on the internet. 
> complaining about /pol/
It's possible you might have seen me complaining, but really I wasn't being anti/pol/ there but rather I was worried that similar thing would happen again and turn endchan into 4chan the 3rd. I'm unironically very glad that the endchan was down at that certain time and for prolonged period.

I made some assumptions here in this post and I really hate it's ultimately what I think about this issue.