Hatóságilag Tilos (Officially Prohibited)
One or twho albums I listened (I suspect it was an assorted cassette, cause that's how these things spread, a copy of a copy of [...] a copied tape with worsening quality), those sounded more "classic", raw and amateurish.
Self titled song:
Fel a fejjel (Heads up)
Alvin és a mókusok (Alvin and the Chipmunks)
Again some assorted stuff, from this and that albums. I've problems with this, because I know no song titles, only one. This band has a grill as bassist/vocalist as well.
Kurva élet (~Fucking life) - this is a newer cover of an older song, from a "best of" album it seems.
Máshol jársz (You're somewhere else)
Renáta - This one is a love song. Kinda.
Rózsaszín Pitbull (Pink Pitbull)
And again, I heard a bunch of assorted songs but very few titles I know. These fags are fucking primitive.
Valaki beszorult egy zetorba (Someone stuck in a Zetor) - It's about a guy who fapped in a Zetor and the cum dried into the lock and the dude stucked. For not knowers the Zetor is a tractor.
Ne szívjál füvet (Don't blaze it) - probably their most known song.
> Don't blaze it because you're gonna be like me
Very good advice.
Krumplistészta (Potato pasta) - this was a hard choice for third song, I wanted a political, which was a reaction of the events of 2006. But this one has cool bass line. The lyrics is top vulgarity, maybe will translate it sometimes.