thumbnail of lorry.jpg
thumbnail of lorry.jpg
lorry jpg
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thumbnail of box-of-matches.jpg
thumbnail of box-of-matches.jpg
box-of-matches jpg
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thumbnail of example-bush.jpg
example-bush jpg
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At this point our word-bush looks like this: bo -> bor -> borus. Well, this is quite boring, additional branching, forks would be nice.

So other things which bo and r are also big and can move cargo, i.e. lorries and trucks. Why not represent this property with c or oc? So it bor but also c or oc: borc/boroc. Why not borusc? Because it doesn't transport people now we ignore transporting illegals, so the us isn't needed.

Now the word-bush is:
bo -> bor -> borus
          -> boroc

Let's make another branch from the root.
A little bo witm fire lighting sticks stored in it. bo + m. So the bush:
bo -> bor -> borus
          -> boroc
   -> bom

And so on, and so on.