Interesting things these protests are. They always the same, and I'm not talking about those which go down without incidents (those are the same too tho). But these types where tensions are high can be known what will be going down, protestors do the same everywhere on the globe, police does the same everywhere. The basic intention of those who organize these isn't to clash with the police but it always escalates to that, and ends the same. Protestors make property damage, to communal properties (bus stops, traffic signs etc) and prive ones (cars, shop windows etc.), and the police always does some bodily harm to a couple of people. Broken noses, cracked skulls, teargas and maybe rubber shots.
I will continue but first as a sidenote: both parties use it for the same, showing the brutality of the other.
What I don't understand that how come no organizers of these protests tried to prepare for the clash with the police. Well some prepare with half assed measures like gasmask, but to be honest a couple dozen of properly equipped protestors in small units deployed at the right time at the right place could btfo the whole police force. And I'm not talking about guns and shit, but good old getting medieval.
And then from that they could take over the streets - and in Catalonia's case - prepare to remove Spanish authority and their enforcers so politicians upstairs could talk nice and declare independence. Ofc it's useless since then the Spanish army would arrive.
Anyway ofc they wouldn't want to risk occasional death during the clashes and many years of prison after they eventually failed. But then if they don't wanna make sacrifices why do anything at all? Why go out then? To do nothing? To get teargassed but resolve jackshit?
For me all these protests for whatever seems pointless, maybe I could rationalize that this way people can really show what problems they feel important, but to be honest even if couple of hundred thousands people go to the street to march around... they still a minority in most cases, noone can say that "here, this is how the majority feels". Maybe if they would collect signatures and show it into the faces of politicians to do something (since the protestors don't want to actually do anything really) that would worth more effort.
So tl;dr these protests are kinda ersatz activities instead of doing something that will have an effect or impact. Always they either push all in for a clean break or keep everything strictly on paper and clean.