nohow i suppose

yes its a big [ass] dict (well, not actually, theres hardly more than 5k useful words in english, also im sure theres already dicts of synonyms (for stardict or something) or it can be parsed/ripped from dictionary sites online.

yes it can have multiple keys with sort-of same words as in both in keys and in values but i suppose that should not be a problem also keys are unique (i think)

it will be like this
k: (american) -> v: [fat, stupid, yankee]
k: (german) -> v: [kraut, nazi]
k: (nazi) -> v: [german, kraut]

etc, in theory you just need make sure that the keys are unique and then pick random values (also, some online dicts of synonyms have some form of closeness already, so this "closeness" variable you just need to pick either more first once (from the beginning of the list of values) or more distant ones (so, from the end of the list)

its not that complex, most of the work is to build a dictionary from something