> ctrl+f
> Underrail
> 6 hits
nice, Bernds here have taste.
I am actually playing it atm since the DLC dropped this summer and I just found out.
Tested out the new weapon category: shotguns. Why they didn't have it earlier is beyond me but it is fun.
Well it was.
This is my 3rd character:

1st was badly skilled because I didn't know what I was doing
2nd was a cool pistol/stealth build but the save was on my ex gfs PC and I couldn't get it back after breakup

Well and with the shotgun dude I got to the endgame but I still kinda misskilled him and I was totally underprepared for a certain Point of No Return right before the endgame.

So I started a 4th character. I don't mind making new chars in this game because it's very fun trying out new builds btw.
The new char is a knifer/stealthy assassin type but I already read that I will have a hard time with that so I MIGHT start yet another one.

This doesn't mean that this game is hard enough to force you into making new chars all the time, it's just my personal preference. It's rather a sign for the game's quality since I'm playing the same segments over and over again and I don't get bored.