> And the grown ones (parents) have to answer a lot of "why" questions.
That's because parents have orientated the child towards asking "why" questions, it's the only reason children rationalize the world through intellectual authority, and not material. Children don't understand causality well, they don't know what they're asking by the word "why", whether they mean the cause or the reason. They're not curious about what they're asking, they've only learned that the question "why" always has an answer to it and so it's a free pass for getting attention in any situation.
The question "why" always molds itself to the answer that anybody is willing to give, it doesn't have rhetorical strength besides essentially being an order: "tell me why". That's what children are interested in. If they ask why is there a plane in the sky, they don't scrutinize the more valid answer between "it's not on the ground" or "it flew up there", all they need is any answer at all. How they come to understand the world afterwards depends on the answer.