its-liek-in-t... mp4
(7.25 MB, 720x960 h264)
Vid related:
> we're safe behind the glass
> had experience in sport shooting
Index says he gained third place in IDPA contest.
His mom said he wasn't married, no gf, no friends. Srsly, society, governments should spend more on helping asocial or "socially challenged" people to learn to make friends and gfs (basically this also leads to the discussion about raising children and education). Would help Bernd too.
1 FSB employee dead, 5 wounded (1 civilian).
He tried into an FSB building (Kuznyeckiy Most street or whatnot) but couldn't, then went to the central building and opened fire while still on the street. He had a Kala, also an explosive device in his backpack. A sniper shot him.
Meanwhile Putin was on a meeting/conference held in honor of security employees, he told a speech as well.