moiseev-rus... gif
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> >"Gayropa" is a word often used by Russian authorities to refer to Europe.
> Do they really?
No. I've never seen this word in any "official" speak or source. You may google "гейропа" in news - it may be used by some journalists or writers, but not by authorities.
Although it is often used in common speech, mostly ironically, but seriously too (especially in some places where truly chthonic Russians do discussions, like youtube comments or patriotic sites). There are plenty other funny words, like "liberast" (mix of liberal and pederast i.e. faggot), some of them are known in English through imageboards.
And, contrary to popular opinion, Russia isn't that hostile to LGBTBBQWTF people. They aren't loved, but there is no patrolling lynch mobs or such (except when person becomes target for political or financial reasons).
One popular pop star from 90s - Boris Moiseev - acts like open gay for example, and he still shown on TV. There is also common knowledge that many of singers or known people are gay, but no one really cares much. Of course you can be beaten somewhere because of homosexualism, but in these places you'll be beaten anyway, they surely will find a reason to beat you (for example, you looking on them wrong). And I don't even mention prison homosexuality, this is another story.
I speak there only about real Russia though, not about Chechnya or something like this. Russian laws don't really work there, and society is much different.