> self-harm
> jealousy 
I had such long time ago she had many problems, clinically I think she counted as sane; I have to add quickly she had some breddy gud qualities too. In the end she was the one who left. Oh well.
Many in their 17-25 are depressed (maybe even younger) on some level I'm not talking occasional sad, maybe she is too.
Problem with the exes that if the relationship isn't broken clean than they will always hover on the horizon and can influence current relationship to worse, since their presence breed jealousy. Some people use their exes quite well and going around, back and forth between them this one is the partner for a while, then leave that and not that one, and leave that and back to the first, etc, but for that you need that kinda partner who fawn over you but placid enough not to cause problems. I had the good sense to make breaks clean. Which also proved to be bad sense since ways of finding new acquaintances through them to getting gfs were also closed. So it was severing threads of the social web, and limiting my options.
I'm getting sidetracked here, but not much to say. If you wish to went - with being as vague as possible, ultimately this is an anonymous IB - you can do it here.