The only problem is ours is a long distance relationship and she is quite jealous and controlling. In one conversation I kept ask about what would her ideal state  look like (kc tire I know) in the end she wanted to make  people happy and harmonious but she really was thinking this could be achived by very controlling, borderline totalitarian state, not to mention hers Hitler sympathies because of her racism and Hitler is kinda romantic when you think he dared to challenge entire world (though he blamed others when he failed) Of course I told my perspective about him and she accepted the facts but she still likes the idea of challenging the world I'm quite sure about that. Anyway I sidetracked..

She is really into cooking and caring about me. When I stay in her house she make me feel like a king. She also bought theater ticket for 'Of Mice and Men' which was quite nice move. Also she is kinda loner, she doesnt have a truly close friend that won't ever tell her secrets. I think she feels vulnerable and occasionally sad because of this. Also she was kind of girl bullied in highschool. Deep down she is a very good person but very hurt one. I have been hurt as well so I understand her but don't know how to help her exactly.

> welcome back
I lurk on this board regularly even when I don't write. 

> just tell her that everything is okay and that you wouldn't do anything to hurt her
I did. I had so many chances to abuse her as she is very vulnerable but I never did something like that. It's just she keeps getting sad because during in her childhood people treat her bad for being happy as if she doesn't deserve to be happy. Bad parenting and abusive enviroment affected her badly. I think this is why she keeps assuming something will go bad even when she is happy as she is quite get used to that.