From what I have heard on the topic, some of the recommended authors are people like Serrano, Evola, Savitri Devi, etc. The odd things about these authors though is that they're spanish/south american in origin. There was also talk of people like maria orsic and the thule society post ww1, stuff like spiritual mediums and such. They also made talk of the Vedas and other books from hindu/budhist religous stuff. They explained "esoteric hitlerism" as a sort of branch off of those and describe him as an incarnation of one of the budhist gods and the age of the kali yuga. However I have not read into it enough to really go into detail about it.
If you check on the wayback machine or some kind of internet archive then you may be able to find it.
From what I gathered there are a lot of aspects to it and I found it to be quite interesting, but haven't had the time to delve into it.