But that verse has (probably) nothing to do with salvation. That God demanded someone to be put to death doesn't mean he's also getting eternity in hell. Maybe someone would even argue that their suffering merits them something after death but idk about that.

Anyway I also think throwing Old Testament away is an error. It gives a lot of context and understanding for what happens in the Gospels and there's also a lot of wisdom on its own. As for the harsh words and clemency you'll find them in both. I think two weeks ago at mass there was a reading from Old and New testament and basically it was a reverse of what people usually think about the two. In the fragment from the Old Testament there was a lot about mercy and forgiveness of God, meanwhile in the New Jesus was giving some strong words to the audience and they weren't Pharisees or something, just the local lowly folk. I think I could go through the mosaic law and find myself fitting for a death penalty for more then one rule breaking. But rather than getting offended or scared I now feel thankful that I am among the spared and can use that opportunity to better myself. 

Also by the way this verse was quoted it looks like that bilboard was put by some kind of atheist organisation.