Made a borsch last weekend, it was ok although I've cut vegetables pretty rough and also added less water than needed. I've used classic recipe without potatoes, just beetroot, cabbage, carrots and onions, some salo with garlic for flavor, and everything is boiled in meat bouillon (got a pork ribs for it).
Cabbages are too big to use them for one soup, especially if you are cooking for one person), so now I've decided to make Shchi in "fresh" variation (not with sauerkraut) to use it. It wasn't so classic, because I've put too much carrots and onions though, and looked more like borsch without beetroot. And that damn cabbage still remains, near 1/2 of it. Don't know what to do with it.
Wouldn't post photos because they are unesthetic for specific reasons (old kitchen, old pots etc).