Was thinking this situation in Venezuela is actually that which preppers prep for... 
Except the Western (American) prepping fantasy is centered around themselves being self-reliant individuals (or at best on the level of the family) an insulated island of civilization surrounded a sea of barbarism, fending off hordes of roving raiders and all that shit from Fallout. This image comes from the totally fragmented society, where the individual is alone (well the law abiding citizen, for those in organized crime is different) don't belong anywhere, mobile, moves easily around in the country if a new workplace or anything demands, rootless, noone to count on, the perfect exploitable individual for the big economic players (oh he get payed well, no doubt, abundantly enough to pay loans and mortgages until the coffin). Also the too much media, movies, everyone thinks he is the hero in the Movie of Life, when in reality every role is just a walk-on.
Granted this Venezuelan situation also isn't really about healthy communities, and their members working together, taking the control - appropriated by the state up until now - into their hands. It's more like a tribalism.