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For an early access game it seems quite complete. There are some issues but most of them are cosmetic, the game could use a polish. Faces can look awful and overall the graphics are dated, but then that's not the charm of the game so I don't actually mind. Only once have I had it crash and that was in a 500vs300 battle where I died and fast forwarded it(a useful new feature), the enemy was defeated but then the game froze and crashed, I was taking this screenshot and saving it on paint so maybe changing between programs had an effect as well.
Overall it's Mound and Blade 2. The only thing that really bothers me so far is the new interaction system and some aspects of the UI. The problem with interactions is that now when you want to talk to somebody it loads them into the game and also in some cases loads you into the city they are in, this all takes time I prefer it to be fluid.