> Haven't you talked about it once? A Harebrained Schemes game I think. Tho you can talk about it.
I can talk about Battletech btw.
Pretty good game, it was very anticipated by Battletech community (wargame and universe at all), although community is relatively dead compared to Warhammer (both). For specific reasons there is a lack of good BT games, maybe Mechwarrior series is mostly good, and some Mechcommander games were fun, but real original wargame-like BT experience weren't implemented on computers. There is MegaMek, but it is different story, it is really a tool to play classic Battletech by internet, not really a game.
So, everyone was happy when Harebrained released BT (game), and it was good. Tabletop rules were, of course, modified, sometimes heavily, but they still are "in spirit" of tabletop - maybe it is one of the closest BT games to this. Considering game - it is enjoyable for everyone, even for those who don't care about anything Battletech related. Maybe not much versatile as modern xcoms, and not so cinematic, but still good.
Of course there are flaws, like bad balancing of light/heavy mechs - developers constantly try to make lights usable, sometimes it works, so one light mech may change the flow of battle (oh g-d I hate those firestarters), but overall they are still non-choice when you need to win. That happens because game is only about relatively small fights, without recon/supply/movement parts that exist on grand scale. It is also somewhat flawed in mech composition in original BT universe terms - game has _too_much_ good and rare mechs. But this is gameplay issue, no one want to play all game with 4 old broken mechs except hardcore BT fans.
Biggest issue, I guess, is strict limit on your team in battle - 4 mechs. It helps to make battles playable (I imagine that 10 vs 10 would be very tiresome and take hours), but limits experience too and gives repetition. In campaign they avoided repetition by giving your opponents much more mechs and scripting (sometimes it is not fair), but multiplayer or skirmish is always 4v4 and it is sad.
But overall it is best in Battletech that you may get, I think.