Re-posting it but whit spaces between them for more easy reading

somiatruites "omelet dreamer". To be distracted

Menjar poc i pair bé "to not eat a lot to digest well". Meaning to take your time

Pagant, St Pere canta "If you pay, Saint Pere sings". You can achieve anything you want with money

Ja has begut oli "You've already drank oil" Meaning that you have already fucked up. The meaning of this expression comes from one of the torture methods the inquisition used, using a funnel to make the victim drink boiling oil untill he or she died.

Venir de l'hort "Coming from the fields". Meaning to not know what's happening

Fer-se un Sant Hilari "To do a Sant Hilari". To drink all of the bottle without stopping.

vesteix un bastó i semblarà un senyor "he dresses with a walking stick and looks like a sir" meaning that even though he may pretend he is still the same inside.

ja estem al cap del carrer "We reached the end of the street". To arrive at a conclusion

eren set que l'aguantàven i encara pixava tor "although seven people are holding (his dick) he keeps not being able to pee straight" To not be able to do a thing even though you have help.

Tants caps tants barrets "As many hats as heads" Quoting the epic meme, to be perfectly balanced.

De pasta de moniato "to be made from sweet potatoes paste" To be distracted

Anar a can Felip "To go to Felip's house" To go to the toilet. The expression probably comes from the War of the Spanish Succession where most catalans were for Charles VI and fought against castile.

A cavall regalat, no li miris el dentat "Do not look at the teeth of a horse that is gifted" To not critizise a thing that is gifted.

s'ha begut l'enteniment "he has drank his own intellect" / faltar-li dos dits de front "he is missing two fingers from the front" to act crazy

Trempera matinera, no és trempera verdadera, sinó trempera de pixera "The erection from the morning isn't a real one, it's for peeing" no meaning behind this one it's just a common saying.

Bufar i fer ampolles "to blow and to make bottles" something that is really easy.

Menja't una cama "Eat one of your legs". Typical joke reply for when kids say they are hungry (tinc gana) since it rhymes.

Com mes cosíns, mes endins "the more cousins the more inside (the dick)" Just a common saying