The dogola spammer was a Brazilian, he likely holds a grudge with that community. I doubt he attacked any other board. From the picture of a spammed catalog Hungarobernd had posted (still have it?) I could see the spam was in Portuguese, mostly a crude translation of Pumped Up Kicks. Dogolachan has something of a school shooter mindset and from what I've read the Susano shooter (just a few days before the New Zealand attack which eclipsed it) was there.
The doxxing showed everything down to the building the target lived in. OP had said this target was coming with threats and slander against him, and as he knew the justice system is a joke, he will solve it himself, so he gave out the phone number and requested more information.
A common conversation topic is Lola Aronovich, a fat feminist activist who has been a mortal enemy of Brazilian imageboards for years, to the point of showing posts against her to journalists on national television. She and Dogolachan are like caustic soda and sulphuric acid. Another equally fat figure is Psy or Batoré, one of their fellows, who was approached on the same program which interviewed Aronovich and famously dismissed the reporter saying that he'd quickly get out of jail if he were arrested. 
I've found a source on them:
> On the 6th of February, soon after news that Psy would attempt to claim insanity to be transferred from a maximum security prison to a madhouse, Dogola went down.
> On the 31th of March /dogola/ was created on Endchan. The board was created by an unknown user and announced on most Brazilian chans.
> On the 4th of April the board was wiped from Endchan. The administrator had announced he'd do it because of the war with C.B. and the site's record of lulz, which could draw the police's attention.
> On the same day, the board returned in a new link https://endchan.net/dogolachan/ this time created by an anon who calls himself Maquinista33.
C.B. is a Discord group.
> War with the Confraria Braziliense
> After Poneifag was cut off from the RealChan moderation for doing baits with the police and other shit, he began to flood /dogola/ on Endchan, provoking wrath from dogolans. One of the regulars revealed himself as an infiltrator in C.B. and also in a secret server from C, the current moderator. Presently poneifag is also banned from C.B.