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Another interesting concept is Chinese mentality. Contrary to popular opinion, Chinese people aren't hard working or devoted to labor as some other nations are. They also have no "protestant work ethic" or similar concept. They also, as other East Asian cultures, have different "shame" concept. When abstract European (with Abrahamic religion background) does something "bad", he often feels bad just because he did it. In non-abrahamic cultures, especially East Asian, it only happens when you are seen by someone, because there is no "sin" in Christian or Muslim terms. If you did something bad but no one noticed, everything is ok. Or if person who is noticed isn't from your group - it is not a problem when you are cheating outsider. Anyone who had interactions on Aliexpress already know about it.

There is an interesting threadcap image about Chinese cheating, fun to read.

Chinese as nation are also self-centered. They have no messianic desires, there is no desire to bring some faith, education, democracy or any other concept to everyone. If you can get profit while interacting with outsiders, it is good, if not - who cares. That results in economical exploitation and viewing everyone around more like a tool, not like something else. This also leads to relative peaceful foreign politics. If you look at Chinese history, it wasn't very aggressive to neighbors overall. Yeah, there were some local wars, bringing neighbors into tributary status,  and recent Tibet occupation, but this is nothing compared to European or American war-mongering and colonialist policy. Chinese expansion is very pragmatic and profit-oriented, they just exploit everything what they can in economic sense, using diaspora to project their interests, but had no real interest in changing the world.

It is also interesting to discuss individualism concept. Westerners often think that Asians are ant-like collectivist people, compared to individualistic Western persons. But there is another approach. If you look into European countries, especially Germanic, you'll see that they actually much more communal and conformist than Asian. People are still trust government and community, feel cohesion and try to help each other. Look at for example. Western societies are high-trust, and we easily see how this is exploited by migrants.

Compared to this, Asian mindset is much more individualistic - people care about others much less if they aren't related. You can't actually build hard totalitarian state with massive repressions when you care about people around. But when you care about yourself only, it is much easier. Need to exploit or even execute someone? Who cares, it is not you and not your relative. Would people starve from your politics? Whatever, my ideas matter more than these commoners etc. You see dying person on street? You may get in trouble when you help him, better to go away, he isn't you, why care? Your boss makes some order that will do more bad than good? It is still better to do this because it is about your well being, and forget about others.