Very good rus-bernd, but it still raises the question, why the fuck are we trading with them, essentially empowering them, if we don't like their politics or relate to their culture?

On a personal note, the Chinese really do not give a fuck about anyone but themselves. A strong attitude to have in a way but not a nice community, if you can even call it that, to live in. I saw a man dying in the street and people literally walking over him to go into shops. If the Chinese ever had souls, they must have lost them in the cultural revolution. Truly they have no shame, like a nation of dogs. I think this is why Buddhism, which respects living things, was such a radical idea and an important one to China but the regime drove the Buddhists out, smashed their temples and burned their parchments.

Perhaps this is why China is stronk economy, because they are a large nation of soulless consumers.