Now as a comment to that video.
> no moonlanding
In a sense it doesn't even matter if it really happened. It's liek, you do something awesome in your youth. Could be anything. And you tell it to everyone, but each passing year, even people who witnessed it gets tired of it, memory distorts, you meet new people who didn't know you and they only have the impression of the man you are now and not back then, they can't even imagine you could do such thing, and in time that story about that awesome stuff you did becomes a tall tale, people will just shrug or worse, demand proofs, and what if even you have material proof, a document, a plaque, a cup or something, you don't have with you all the time, or the nature of your deed is such you don't have any documentation, or even witnesses... did you really do it? In time maybe even you will question it you could do that, maybe you just remember wrong.
It's also kinda liek Al Bundy with the lost glory, riding the dead horse, and noone cares.
Moonlanding? So what, they don't do it now, will they ever again?