Sometimes when daily poster number dropped, I struggled in the past to go on. But /kc/ seems to stay, people return, traffic perks up. There's some fluctuation not sure. But since we are few a couple of missing days from a couple of people really shows.
It helps when Endchan is stable, we lost people due downtimes. (End itself did too.)
What also helps: putting up content. But many days, I've no tiem, or will, or energy, or a combination of them. Sometimes I find very easy to write, sometimes I struggle. Sometimes just nothing to say. I believe others feel the same. It's also kinda disappointing if one uploads content he put effort in, work and time, and no replies, or barely any coming. Doing l'art pour l'art is nice, but if people react, that really give some boost.
I think if we would be double the amount, let's say 25-30 peeps weekly, it would allow a fairly fluid experience.

Somewhat related.
I'm worried about Turkbernd. He seemed to try contact us, but left it without following up. I hope he reads this.