GDP and income is not necessarily the best measurements. Well they measure something but that might give the wrong impression. I think these numbers in this context are good to illustrate the situation of the German people (and not the country) on average compared to other countries.
But how much those numbers matter? The interwar Hungary - especially the early part of it - was called the country of three million beggars (by the socialist regime later on), because most Hungarians were so poor they picked immigration to the US on mass (there were a bunch of problems, for example the unsolved land problem /peasants didn't owned enough land their family could live off/, and ofc all the hardships Trianon caused with destroying to the ground the country's economic structure). So compared to that, Germany wasn't that far ahead (large agrarian sector, bad situation of industrial workers, plus - again - the effects of the Versailles Treaty).
And then the USSR, which had huge mass production but the goods produced were largely machining tools to produce weaponry, and weapons. And wage didn't mattered since it wasn't a market economy (but yeah, people were poor as fugg).