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Let's move on to the 2nd issue, won't mention everything, just a couple of flashes from here and there.
Starts with a lots of Bradbury and about Bradbury, but then it balances out with others. Eventually it's mostly about aliens, first contact and such.
Two articles about life outside Earth, and one about Eurocon 1. But let's spend some time over the two.
The tone is rational. No ancient aliens or Däniken, although they seem to recognize their existence and their place. But the articles is of the view of science and sci-fi literature, and their relation, their contradiction, and yet similarity. They wish to be educational, philosophical and entertaining, no blatant political manipulation. Little materialism, and maybe the wind of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.
And what's the answer, is there life somewhere else in the universe? Of course. It's not just probable, but inevitable.
This issue a bit more meaty in the illustration department, but most I can't make a worthwhile screenshot. But even a comic strip got a place in there (wake at down inthe forest, by Frank Frazetta, from Nueve Dimension Spanish SF-magazine, 1971).