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Illustrations are breddy gud, a selection from Western, chiefly American works. They list Virgil Finlay, Dold, Paul, Wesso, Morey, Alejandro, Georges Spiro, Lemy, Hannes Bok among their creators.
A very concise history of American sci-fi illustration is given. In the beginning scantly dressed women are protected by astronauts against monsters big as a house. Then in the '40s the front pages of magazines were decorated with scientifically plausible images, and got pinned onto the walls of labs and observatories. Pop-art left it's impression on them in the '60s, then the '70s discovered Ernst, Dali, Magritte, Labisse, Bosch, Goya, Arcimboldo... By that time the classic sci-fi magazines were real treasures, subjects of collectors, finishing the cycle.