His cv is a bit strange, just from gut feeling I think he was recruited in college and it just went from there. He moved around alot, then went to europe apparently, how did he support himself financially? I mean he never had a typical job so where is his cash coming from? A writer at pom stated that he had unsold paintins all over the place, so people arent buying his art. Dont you need a visa to stay in europe if you are an american? 

Yes I think thats the case too with the unabomber. People will just think he is batshit crazy and ignore the message. Especially the thing about leftism. I think leftism is really just a codeword for communitarianism. The word that never gets talked about although its the root of alot.


Thats a good site about communitarianism. Lark doesnt seem like he has bad intentions. 

Miles uses paypal, ebay, cars etc so yeah...its all so obvious.

Thats a typical response from jews, that everyone is a fascist. They all seem to be liberals aswell. 

Funny how he never touches the race issue or anything close to it. Really makes you think...